class Crycco::Document



A Document takes a path as input and reads the file, parses its contents and is able to generate whatever output is needed.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Path, template : String = "sidebyside", mode : String = "docs") #

On initialization we read the file and parse it in the correct language. Also, if rather than a .yml file we have a we consider that "literate YAML" and tweak the language definition a bit.

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Instance Method Detail

def language : Language #

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def language=(language : Language) #

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def parse(source : String) #

Given a string of source code, parse out each block of prose and the code that follows it — by detecting which is which, line by line — and then create an individual section for it. Each section is an object with docs and code properties, which can later be converted to HTML.

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def path : Path #

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def path=(path : Path) #

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def save(out_file : Path, extra_context) #

Save the document to a file using the desired format and template. If you want to learn more about the templates you can check out

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def sections : Array(Crycco::Section) #

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def sections=(sections : Array(Crycco::Section)) #

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