module Secp256k1::Signature
implements ecdsa signature generation and verification for secp256k1 ref:
Defined in:
signature.crClass Method Summary
.sign(msg : String, priv : BigInt)
the ecdsa signing algorithm (rfc 6979) takes as input a message
and a private keypriv
. -
.verify(msg : String, sig : ECDSA_Signature, pub : EC_Point)
the algorithm to verify an ecdsa signature takes as input the signed message
and the signature(r, s)
produced from self.sign and the public keypub
, corresponding to the signer's private key. -
.verify_hash(hash : BigInt, sig : ECDSA_Signature, pub : EC_Point)
same as self.verify, just using the hashed message directly
Class Method Detail
the ecdsa signing algorithm (rfc 6979) takes as input a message msg
and a private key priv
. It produces as output a signature, which
consists of pair of integers (r, s)
the algorithm to verify an ecdsa signature takes as input the signed message msg
and the signature (r, s)
produced from self.sign and the public key pub
corresponding to the signer's private key. The result is boolean.
same as self.verify, just using the hashed message directly