class Dumpster::HeapReader
- Dumpster::HeapReader
- Reference
- Object
Reader for Ruby heap memory dumps collected from the ObjectSpace module.
Stored dump files are in the format. These can contain multiple gigabytes of data depending on the application being analysed. To reduce the resource overhead required to parse, HeapReader provides an efficient interface for iterating over these lazilly and emitting parsed structs.
Included Modules
- Iterator(Dumpster::Entry::Array | Dumpster::Entry::Bignum | Dumpster::Entry::Class | Dumpster::Entry::Complex | Dumpster::Entry::Data | Dumpster::Entry::File | Dumpster::Entry::Float | Dumpster::Entry::Hash | Dumpster::Entry::Match | Dumpster::Entry::Module | Dumpster::Entry::Object | Dumpster::Entry::Rational | Dumpster::Entry::Regexp | Dumpster::Entry::String | Dumpster::Entry::Struct)