class Dumpster::Analyser

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.parse(io) #

Parses io and extracts analysis data.

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Macro Detail

macro autoviv_hash(key_type, value_type) #

Creates a Hash that will autopopulate elements with zero type, or new instance of the appropropriate value type when first accessed.

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Instance Method Detail

def class_count #

Gets the total number of classes contained in the heap dump.

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def generation_count #

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def locations_of_interest(limit = 100, min_instances = 100, min_slope = 1e-3) #

Find the the locations associated with the highest positive rate of change of object instances.

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def object_count : Int32 #

Gets the total number of objects parsed from the heap dump.

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def types_of_interest #

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