class CrystalGauntlet::Level::ObjectData

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Hash(String, String)) #

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Instance Method Detail

def activate_group #

the Activate Group property of the trigger

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def animation_id #

the Animation ID property of the Animate trigger

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def animation_randomize_start #

the Randomize Start property of the animated object

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def animation_speed #

the Animation Speed property of the animated object

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def b #

the Blue component of the color in a trigger

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def blending #

the Blending property of any Color trigger

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def checked #

the checked property of some special objects (gamemode, speed, dual portals, etc.)

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def collision_block_b_id #

the Block B ID property of the Collision trigger

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def collision_dynamic_block #

the Dynamic Block property of the Collision block

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def collision_trigger_on_exit #

the Trigger On Exit property of the Collision trigger

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def color_has_hsv #

whether the HSV mode is enabled for the Main Color of the object

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def color_id #

the Main Color Channel ID property of the object

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def copied_color_id #

the Copied Color Channel ID in a trigger

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def copied_hsv_adjust #

the HSV adjustment values of the Copied Color property of a trigger

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def copy_opacity #

the Copy Opacity property of a trigger

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def custom_rotation_speed #

the Custom Rotation Speed property of the rotating object in degrees per second

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def disable_glow #

the Disable Glow property of the object

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def disable_rotation #

the Disable Rotation property of the rotating object

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def dont_enter #

the Don't Enter property of the object

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def dont_fade #

the Don't Fade property of the object

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def duration #

the duration of an effect in a trigger

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def easing #

the Easing type of the effect of a trigger

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def easing_rate #

the Easing Rate property of a trigger

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def editor_layer #

the Editor Layer 1 property of the object

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def editor_layer_2 #

the Editor Layer 2 of an object

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def follow_player_y_delay #

the Follow Delay property of the Follow Player Y trigger

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def follow_player_y_max_speed #

the Max Speed property of the Follow Player Y trigger

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def follow_player_y_speed #

the Speed property of the Follow Player Y trigger

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def follow_player_y_y_offset #

the Y Offset property of the Follow Player Y trigger

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def follow_x_mod #

the X Mod property of the Follow trigger

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def follow_y_mod #

the Y Mod property of the Follow trigger

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def g #

the Green component of the color in a trigger

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def group_ids #

the group IDs of the object

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def group_parent #

the Group Parent property of the object

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def high_detail #

the High Detail property of the object

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def hsv_adjust #

the HSV adjustment values of the Main Color of the object

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def id #

the ID of the object

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def instant_count_comparasion #

the Comparison property of the Instant Count trigger

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def item_id #

the Item/Block ID property of an object

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def legacy_color_id #

the legacy Color Channel ID property used in 1.9 levels. If set to a valid value, both the Main and Secondary Color Channel ID properties will be ignored.

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def linked_group_id #

the Linked Group ID property of the object

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def lock_to_player_x #

the Lock To Player X property of the Move trigger

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def lock_to_player_y #

the Lock To Player Y property of the Move trigger

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def move_target_pos #

the Target Pos Coordinates property of the Move trigger

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def move_use_target #

the Enable Use Target property of the Move trigger

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def move_x #

the Offset X property of the Move trigger

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def move_y #

the Offset Y property of the Move trigger

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def multi_trigger #

the Multi-Trigger property of a trigger

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def opacity #

the opacity value of a trigger

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def orb_multi_activate #

the Multi Activate property of Orbs

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def pickup_count #

the Count property of the Pickup trigger or the Pickup Item

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def pickup_mode #

the Pickup Mode property of the Pickup Item

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def pickup_subtract_count #

the Subtract Count property of the Pickup trigger or the Pickup Item

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def player_color_1 #

the Player Color 1 property of any Color trigger

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def player_color_2 #

the Player Color 2 property of any Color trigger

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def pulse_exclusive #

the Exclusive property of a Pulse trigger

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def pulse_fade_hold #

the Hold property of the Pulse trigger

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def pulse_fade_in #

the Fade In property of the Pulse trigger

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def pulse_fade_out #

the Fade Out property of the Pulse trigger

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def pulse_main_only #

the Detail Only property of the Pulse trigger

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def pulse_mode #

the Pulse Mode property of the Pulse trigger

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def pulse_target_type #

the Target Type property of the Pulse trigger

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def r #

the Red component of the color in a trigger

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def raw : Hash(String, String) #

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def rotate_degrees #

the Degrees property of the Rotate trigger

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def rotate_lock_object_rotation #

the Lock Object Rotation property of the Rotate trigger

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def rotate_times_360 #

the Times 360 property of the Rotate trigger

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def rotation #

the rotation of the objects in degrees, CW is positive, top is 0

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def scale #

the scaling of the object

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def secondary_color_has_hsv #

whether the HSV mode is enabled for the Secondary Color of the object

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def secondary_color_id #

the Secondary Color Channel ID property of the object

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def secondary_hsv_adjust #

the HSV adjustment values of the Secondary Color of the object

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def secondary_target_group_id #

the Secondary (Follow, Target Pos, Center) Group ID property of some triggers

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def secret_coin_id #

the ID of a Secret Coin

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def shake_interval #

the Interval property of the Shake trigger

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def shake_strength #

the Strength property of the Shake trigger

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def single_group_id #

a group ID given to the object

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def spawn_delay #

the Spawn Delay property of the Spawn trigger

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def spawn_editor_disable #

the Editor Disable property of the Spawn trigger

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def spawn_triggered #
the Spawn Triggered property of a trigger

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def target_color_id #

the Target Color ID property in an interactive object

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def target_group_id #

the Target Group ID in a trigger

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def teleport_portal_ease #

The Smooth Ease property within Teleport Portals

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def teleport_portal_offset #

the Y offset of the yellow from the blue teleportation portal

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def text #

the text of the text object in base64

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def tint_ground #

the Tint Ground property of the BG Color trigger

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def touch_dual_mode #

the Dual Mode property of the Touch trigger

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def touch_hold_mode #

the Hold Mode property of the Touch trigger

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def touch_triggered #

the Touch Triggered property of a trigger

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def touchtoggle_mode #

the Toggle Mode property of the Touch trigger

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def trigger_multi_activate #

The Multi Activate Property of Triggers

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def x #

the X position of the object

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def xflip #

whether the object is horizontally flipped

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def y #

the Y position of the object

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def yflip #

whether the object is vertically flipped

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def z_layer #

the Z Layer of the object

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def z_order #

the Z Order of the object

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