enum Tourmaline::UpdateAction


The available event types for EventHandler.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Update = 0
Message = 1
ThreadMessage = 2
ReplyMessage = 3
EditedMessage = 4
ForwardedMessage = 5
CallbackQuery = 6
InlineQuery = 7
ShippingQuery = 8
PreCheckoutQuery = 9
ChosenInlineResult = 10
ChannelPost = 11
EditedChannelPost = 12
MyChatMember = 13
ChatMember = 14
ViaBot = 15
Text = 16
Caption = 17
Animation = 18
Audio = 19
Document = 20
Photo = 21
Sticker = 22
Video = 23
Voice = 24
Contact = 25
Location = 26
Venue = 27
MediaGroup = 28
NewChatMembers = 29
LeftChatMember = 30
NewChatTitle = 31
NewChatPhoto = 32
DeleteChatPhoto = 33
GroupChatCreated = 34
MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged = 35
MigrateToChatId = 36
SupergroupChatCreated = 37
ChannelChatCreated = 38
MigrateFromChatId = 39
PinnedMessage = 40
Game = 41
Poll = 42
VideoNote = 43
Invoice = 44
SuccessfulPayment = 45
ConnectedWebsite = 46
PassportData = 47
PollAnswer = 48
ProximityAlertTriggered = 49
ForumTopicCreated = 50
ForumTopicClosed = 51
ForumTopicReopened = 52
VideoChatScheduled = 53
VideoChatStarted = 54
VideoChatEnded = 55
VideoChatParticipantsInvited = 56
WebAppData = 57
ReplyMarkup = 58
Dice = 59
Dart = 60
Basketball = 61
Football = 62
Soccerball = 63
SlotMachine = 64
Bowling = 65
BotMessage = 66
UserMessage = 67
ChannelMessage = 68
ChannelForwardMessage = 69
AnonymousAdminMessage = 70
MentionEntity = 71
TextMentionEntity = 72
HashtagEntity = 73
CashtagEntity = 74
BotCommandEntity = 75
UrlEntity = 76
EmailEntity = 77
PhoneNumberEntity = 78
BoldEntity = 79
ItalicEntity = 80
CodeEntity = 81
PreEntity = 82
TextLinkEntity = 83
UnderlineEntity = 84
StrikethroughEntity = 85
SpoilerEntity = 86

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.from_update(update : Tourmaline::Update) #

Takes an Update and returns an array of update actions.

[View source]
def self.to_a #

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def animation? #

[View source]
def anonymous_admin_message? #

[View source]
def audio? #

[View source]
def basketball? #

[View source]
def bold_entity? #

[View source]
def bot_command_entity? #

[View source]
def bot_message? #

[View source]
def bowling? #

[View source]
def callback_query? #

[View source]
def caption? #

[View source]
def cashtag_entity? #

[View source]
def channel_chat_created? #

[View source]
def channel_forward_message? #

[View source]
def channel_message? #

[View source]
def channel_post? #

[View source]
def chat_member? #

[View source]
def chosen_inline_result? #

[View source]
def code_entity? #

[View source]
def connected_website? #

[View source]
def contact? #

[View source]
def dart? #

[View source]
def delete_chat_photo? #

[View source]
def dice? #

[View source]
def document? #

[View source]
def edited_channel_post? #

[View source]
def edited_message? #

[View source]
def email_entity? #

[View source]
def football? #

[View source]
def forum_topic_closed? #

[View source]
def forum_topic_created? #

[View source]
def forum_topic_reopened? #

[View source]
def forwarded_message? #

[View source]
def game? #

[View source]
def group_chat_created? #

[View source]
def hashtag_entity? #

[View source]
def inline_query? #

[View source]
def invoice? #

[View source]
def italic_entity? #

[View source]
def left_chat_member? #

[View source]
def location? #

[View source]
def media_group? #

[View source]
def mention_entity? #

[View source]
def message? #

[View source]
def message_auto_delete_timer_changed? #

[View source]
def migrate_from_chat_id? #

[View source]
def migrate_to_chat_id? #

[View source]
def my_chat_member? #

[View source]
def new_chat_members? #

[View source]
def new_chat_photo? #

[View source]
def new_chat_title? #

[View source]
def passport_data? #

[View source]
def phone_number_entity? #

[View source]
def photo? #

[View source]
def pinned_message? #

[View source]
def poll? #

[View source]
def poll_answer? #

[View source]
def pre_checkout_query? #

[View source]
def pre_entity? #

[View source]
def proximity_alert_triggered? #

[View source]
def reply_markup? #

[View source]
def reply_message? #

[View source]
def shipping_query? #

[View source]
def slot_machine? #

[View source]
def soccerball? #

[View source]
def spoiler_entity? #

[View source]
def sticker? #

[View source]
def strikethrough_entity? #

[View source]
def successful_payment? #

[View source]
def supergroup_chat_created? #

[View source]
def text? #

[View source]
def text_link_entity? #

[View source]
def text_mention_entity? #

[View source]
def thread_message? #

[View source]
def to_s #
Description copied from struct Enum

Returns a String representation of this enum member. In the case of regular enums, this is just the name of the member. In the case of flag enums, it's the names joined by vertical bars, or "None", if the value is zero.

If an enum's value doesn't match a member's value, the raw value is returned as a string.

Color::Red.to_s                     # => "Red"
IOMode::None.to_s                   # => "None"
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_s # => "Read | Write"

Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"

[View source]
def underline_entity? #

[View source]
def update? #

[View source]
def url_entity? #

[View source]
def user_message? #

[View source]
def venue? #

[View source]
def via_bot? #

[View source]
def video? #

[View source]
def video_chat_ended? #

[View source]
def video_chat_participants_invited? #

[View source]
def video_chat_scheduled? #

[View source]
def video_chat_started? #

[View source]
def video_note? #

[View source]
def voice? #

[View source]
def web_app_data? #

[View source]