class Tourmaline::Client


The Client class is the base class for all Tourmaline based bots. Extend this class to create your own bots, or create an instance of Client and add event handlers to it.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::TDLightMethods

delete_messages(chat, start_id, end_id) delete_messages, get_memory_stats get_memory_stats, get_participants(chat) get_participants, login(phone_number) login, optimize_memory optimize_memory, ping ping, register_user(first_name, last_name = nil) register_user, send_code(code) send_code

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::WebhookMethods

delete_webhook(drop_pending_updates = false) delete_webhook, get_webhook_info get_webhook_info, serve(host = "", port = 8081, ssl_certificate_path = nil, ssl_key_path = nil, no_middleware_check = false, &block : HTTP::Server::Context -> )
serve(path = "/", host = "", port = 8081, ssl_certificate_path = nil, ssl_key_path = nil, no_middleware_check = false)
, set_webhook(url, ip_address = nil, certificate = nil, max_connections = nil, allowed_updates = nil, drop_pending_updates = false, secret_token = nil) set_webhook, stop_serving stop_serving, unset_webhook unset_webhook

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::StickerMethods

add_sticker_to_set(user_id, name, emojis, png_sticker = nil, tgs_sticker = nil, webm_sticker = nil, mask_position = nil) add_sticker_to_set, create_new_sticker_set(user_id, name, title, emojis, png_sticker = nil, tgs_sticker = nil, webm_sticker = nil, sticker_type = nil, mask_position = nil) create_new_sticker_set, delete_chat_sticker_set(chat_id) delete_chat_sticker_set, delete_sticker_from_set(sticker) delete_sticker_from_set, get_custom_emoji_stickers(custom_emoji_ids : Array(String)) get_custom_emoji_stickers, get_sticker_set(name : String) get_sticker_set, send_sticker(chat, sticker, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = nil, reply_to_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) send_sticker, set_chat_sticker_set(chat_id, sticker_set_name) set_chat_sticker_set, set_sticker_position_in_set(sticker, position) set_sticker_position_in_set, set_sticker_set_thumb(name, user, thumb = nil) set_sticker_set_thumb, upload_sticker_file(user_id, png_sticker) upload_sticker_file

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::PollMethods

send_poll(chat, question : String, options : Array(String), anonymous : Bool = true, type : Poll::Type = Poll::Type::Regular, allows_multiple_answers : Bool = false, correct_option_id : Int32 | Nil = nil, close_date : Time | Nil = nil, open_period : Int32 | Nil = nil, closed : Bool = false, disable_notification : Bool = false, reply_to_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) send_poll, stop_poll(chat, message, reply_markup = nil) stop_poll

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::PaymentMethods

answer_pre_checkout_query(pre_checkout_query_id, ok, error_message = nil) answer_pre_checkout_query, answer_shipping_query(shipping_query_id, ok, shipping_options = nil, error_message = nil) answer_shipping_query, create_invoice_link(title, description, payload, provider_token, currency, prices, max_tip_amount = nil, suggested_tip_amounts = nil, provider_data = nil, photo_url = nil, photo_size = nil, photo_width = nil, photo_height = nil, need_name = nil, need_phone_number = nil, need_email = nil, need_shipping_address = nil, send_phone_number_to_provider = nil, send_email_to_provider = nil, is_flexible = nil) create_invoice_link, labeled_prices(lp : Array(NamedTuple(label: String, amount: Int32))) labeled_prices, send_invoice(chat, title, description, payload, provider_token, currency, prices, message_thread_id = nil, max_tip_amount = nil, suggested_tip_amounts = nil, start_parameter = nil, provider_data = nil, photo_url = nil, photo_size = nil, photo_width = nil, photo_height = nil, need_name = nil, need_phone_number = nil, need_email = nil, need_shipping_address = nil, send_phone_number_to_provider = nil, send_email_to_provider = nil, is_flexible = nil, disable_notification = nil, reply_to_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) send_invoice, shipping_options(options : Array(NamedTuple(id: String, title: String, prices: Array(LabeledPrice)))) shipping_options

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::PassportMethods

set_passport_data_errors(user_id : Int32, errors : Array(PassportElementError)) set_passport_data_errors

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::GameMethods

get_game_high_scores(user_id, chat_id = nil, message_id = nil, inline_message_id = nil) get_game_high_scores, send_game(chat_id, game_short_name, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = nil, reply_to_message_id = nil, reply_markup = nil) send_game, set_game_score(user_id, score, force = false, disable_edit_message = nil, chat_id = nil, message_id = nil, inline_message_id = nil) set_game_score

Instance methods inherited from module Tourmaline::Client::CoreMethods

answer_callback_query(callback_query_id, text = nil, show_alert = nil, url = nil, cache_time = nil) answer_callback_query, answer_inline_query(inline_query_id, results, cache_time = nil, is_personal = nil, next_offset = nil, switch_pm_text = nil, switch_pm_parameter = nil) answer_inline_query, answer_web_app_query(query_id : String, result : InlineQueryResult) answer_web_app_query, approve_chat_join_request(chat, user) approve_chat_join_request, ban_chat_member(chat, user, until_date = nil, revoke_messages = nil) ban_chat_member, ban_chat_sender_chat(chat, sender_chat) ban_chat_sender_chat, close close, close_forum_topic(chat, message_thread_id) close_forum_topic, copy_message(chat, from_chat, message, message_thread_id = nil, caption = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) copy_message, create_chat_invite_link(chat, name = nil, expire_date = nil, member_limit = nil, creates_join_request = false) create_chat_invite_link, create_forum_topic(chat, name, icon_color = nil, icon_custom_emoji_id = nil) create_forum_topic, decline_chat_join_request(chat, user) decline_chat_join_request, delete_chat_photo(chat) delete_chat_photo, delete_forum_topic(chat, message_thread_id) delete_forum_topic, delete_message(chat, message) delete_message, delete_my_commands(scope : BotCommandScope | Nil = nil, language_code : String | Nil = nil) delete_my_commands, download_file(file_id, path = nil) download_file, edit_chat_invite_link(chat, invite_link, name = nil, expire_date = nil, member_limit = nil, creates_join_request = false) edit_chat_invite_link, edit_forum_topic(chat, message_thread_id, name, icon_custom_emoji_id) edit_forum_topic, edit_message_caption(chat, caption, message = nil, inline_message = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, reply_markup = nil) edit_message_caption, edit_message_live_location(chat, latitude, longitude, horizontal_accuracy = nil, live_period = nil, proximity_alert_radius = nil, heading = nil, message = nil, inline_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) edit_message_live_location, edit_message_media(chat, media, message = nil, inline_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) edit_message_media, edit_message_reply_markup(chat, message = nil, inline_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) edit_message_reply_markup, edit_message_text(text, chat = nil, message = nil, inline_message = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, entities = [] of MessageEntity, disable_link_preview = false, reply_markup = nil) edit_message_text, export_chat_invite_link(chat) export_chat_invite_link, forward_message(chat, from_chat, message, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false) forward_message, get_chat(chat) get_chat, get_chat_administrators(chat) get_chat_administrators, get_chat_member(chat, user) get_chat_member, get_chat_members_count(chat) get_chat_members_count, get_file(file_id) get_file, get_file_link(file_id) get_file_link, get_forum_topic_icon_stickers get_forum_topic_icon_stickers, get_me get_me, get_my_commands(scope : BotCommandScope | Nil = nil, language_code : String | Nil = nil) get_my_commands, get_my_default_adminstrator_rights(for_channels : Bool = false) get_my_default_adminstrator_rights, get_updates(offset = @next_offset, limit = 100, timeout = 0, allowed_updates = [] of String) get_updates, get_user_profile_photos(user, offset = nil, limit = nil) get_user_profile_photos, is_admin?(chat_id) is_admin?, kick_chat_member(*args, **kwargs) kick_chat_member, leave_chat(chat) leave_chat, log_out log_out, mute_chat_member(chat, user, until_date = nil) mute_chat_member, next_offset : Int64 next_offset, pin_chat_message(chat, message, disable_notification = false) pin_chat_message, poll(delete_webhook = false, no_middleware_check = false) poll, polling : Bool polling, promote_chat_member(chat, user, is_anonymous = false, until_date = nil, can_manage_chat = nil, can_change_info = nil, can_post_messages = nil, can_edit_messages = nil, can_delete_messages = nil, can_invite_users = nil, can_manage_video_chats = nil, can_restrict_members = nil, can_pin_messages = nil, can_promote_members = nil, can_manage_topics = nil) promote_chat_member, reopen_forum_topic(chat, message_thread_id) reopen_forum_topic, restrict_chat_member(chat, user, permissions, until_date = nil) restrict_chat_member, revoke_chat_invite_link(chat, invite_link) revoke_chat_invite_link, send_animation(chat, animation, message_thread_id = nil, duration = nil, width = nil, height = nil, thumb = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_animation, send_audio(chat, audio, message_thread_id = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, duration = nil, preformer = nil, title = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_audio, send_basketball(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_basketball, send_bowling(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_bowling, send_chat_action(chat, action : ChatAction) send_chat_action, send_contact(chat, phone_number, first_name, message_thread_id = nil, last_name = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_contact, send_dart(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_dart, send_dice(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_dice, send_document(chat, document, message_thread_id = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_document, send_football(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_football, send_location(chat, latitude, longitude, message_thread_id = nil, horizontal_accuracy = nil, live_period = nil, proximity_alert_radius = nil, heading = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_location, send_media_group(chat, media : Array(InputMediaPhoto | InputMediaVideo | InputMediaAudio | InputMediaDocument), message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false) send_media_group, send_message(chat, text, message_thread_id = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, entities = [] of MessageEntity, link_preview = false, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_message, send_photo(chat, photo, message_thread_id = nil, caption = nil, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_photo, send_slot_machine(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_slot_machine, send_soccerball(chat, message_thread_id = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_soccerball, send_venue(chat, latitude, longitude, title, address, message_thread_id = nil, foursquare_id = nil, foursquare_type = nil, google_place_id = nil, google_place_type = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_venue, send_video(chat, video, message_thread_id = nil, duration = nil, width = nil, height = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_video, send_video_note(chat, video_note, message_thread_id = nil, duration = nil, width = nil, height = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, parse_mode = Tourmaline::Client.default_parse_mode, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_video_note, send_voice(chat, voice, message_thread_id = nil, caption = nil, caption_entities = [] of MessageEntity, duration = nil, preformer = nil, title = nil, disable_notification = false, protect_content = false, reply_to_message = nil, allow_sending_without_reply = false, reply_markup = nil) send_voice, set_chat_admininstrator_custom_title(chat, user, custom_title) set_chat_admininstrator_custom_title, set_chat_description(chat, description) set_chat_description, set_chat_permissions(chat, permissions) set_chat_permissions, set_chat_photo(chat, photo) set_chat_photo, set_chat_title(chat, title) set_chat_title, set_my_commands(commands : Array(BotCommand | NamedTuple(command: String, description: String)), scope : BotCommandScope | Nil = nil, language_code : String | Nil = nil) set_my_commands, set_my_default_adminstrator_rights(rights : ChatAdministratorRights, for_channels : Bool = false) set_my_default_adminstrator_rights, stop_message_live_location(chat, message = nil, inline_message = nil, reply_markup = nil) stop_message_live_location, stop_polling stop_polling, unban_chat_member(chat, user, only_if_banned = false) unban_chat_member, unban_chat_sender_chat(chat, sender_chat) unban_chat_sender_chat, unpin_all_chat_messages(chat) unpin_all_chat_messages, unpin_all_forum_topic_messages(chat, message_thread_id) unpin_all_forum_topic_messages, unpin_chat_message(chat, message = nil) unpin_chat_message

Constructor Detail

def*, bot_token : String | Nil = nil, user_token : String | Nil = nil, endpoint : String = DEFAULT_API_URL, persistence : Persistence =, set_commands : Bool = false, pool_capacity = 200, initial_pool_size = 20, pool_timeout = 0.1, proxy = nil, proxy_uri = nil, proxy_host = nil, proxy_port = nil, proxy_user = nil, proxy_pass = nil) #

Create a new instance of Tourmaline::Client.

Named Arguments

#bot_token : the bot token you should've received from @BotFather

#user_token : the token returned by the #login method

endpoint : the API endpoint to use for requests; default is, but for TDLight methods to work you may consider hosting your own instance or using one of the official ones such as

#persistence : the persistence strategy to use

set_commands : if true, set_my_commands will be run on start and any commands marked with register will be registered with BotFather.

pool_capacity : the maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections to use

initial_pool_size : the number of HTTP::Client instances to create on init

pool_timeout : How long to wait for a new client to be available if the pool is full before throwing a TimeoutError

proxy : an instance of HTTP::Proxy::Client to use; if set, overrides the following proxy_ args

proxy_uri : a URI to use when connecting to the proxy; can be a URI instance or a String

proxy_host : if no proxy_uri is provided, this will be the host for the URI

proxy_port : if no proxy_uri is provided, this will be the port for the URI

proxy_user : a username to use for a proxy that requires authentication

proxy_pass : a password to use for a proxy that requires authentication

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Class Method Detail

def self.default_command_prefixes : Array(String) #

Default prefixes to use for commands

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def self.default_command_prefixes=(default_command_prefixes : Array(String)) #

Default prefixes to use for commands

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def self.default_parse_mode : ParseMode #

Default parse mode to use for commands when it isn't included explicitly

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def self.default_parse_mode=(default_parse_mode : ParseMode) #

Default parse mode to use for commands when it isn't included explicitly

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Instance Method Detail

def add_event_handler(handler : EventHandler) #

Add an EventHandler instance to the handler stack

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def bot : User #

Gets the name of the Client at the time the Client was started. Refreshing can be done by setting @bot to get_me.

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def bot? : User | Nil #

Gets the name of the Client at the time the Client was started. Refreshing can be done by setting @bot to get_me.

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def bot_token : String | Nil #

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def bot_token=(bot_token : String | Nil) #

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def event_handlers : Array(EventHandler) #

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def handle_update(update : Update) #

Calls all handlers in the stack with the given update and this client instance.

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def middlewares : Array(Middleware) #

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def persistence : Persistence #

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def remove_event_handler(handler : EventHandler) #

Remove an existing event handler from the stack

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def send_menu(chat, menu : RoutedMenu, **kwargs) #

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def send_paginated_keyboard(chat, keyboard : PaginatedKeyboard, **kwargs) #

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def use(middleware : Middleware) #

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def user_token : String | Nil #

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def user_token=(user_token : String | Nil) #

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