module Cryplot::TextMixin(T)


mixin used to attach text options to a type

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::FontMixin(T)

font_name(name : String) : T font_name, font_repr : String font_repr, font_size(size : Int32) : T font_size

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseMixin(T)

derived : T derived, repr : String repr, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance Method Detail

def enhanced(value : Bool) : T #

set the enhanced mode of the text The enhanced text mode allows superscript text to be represented as a^x, subscript text with a_x, and combined sperscript and subscript text with a@^b_{cd}. For more details, read "Enhanced text mode" section of the Gnuplot manual.

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def text_color(color : String) : T #

set the color of the text (e.g., "blue", "#404040")

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def text_repr : String #

convert this object into a gnuplot formatted string

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