class Cryplot::MajorTics


The class used to specify options for major tics of a specific axis.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseTics(Cryplot::MajorTics)

along_axis along_axis, along_border along_border, format(fmt : String) format, inside_graph inside_graph, logscale(base = 10) logscale, mirror(value = true) mirror, outside_graph outside_graph, repr(axis : String) : String repr, rotate(value = true) rotate, rotate_by(degrees : Number) rotate_by, scale_by(value : Number) scale_by, scale_major_by(value : Number) scale_major_by, scale_minor_by(value : Number) scale_minor_by, tics_base_repr : String tics_base_repr

Constructor methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseTics(Cryplot::MajorTics)

new new

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::ShowMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

hidden? : Bool hidden?, hide hide, show(value = true) show, show_repr show_repr

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

derived : T derived, repr : String repr, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::OffsetMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

offset_repr offset_repr, shift_along_graph_x(val : Number) shift_along_graph_x, shift_along_graph_y(val : Number) shift_along_graph_y, shift_along_screen_x(val : Number) shift_along_screen_x, shift_along_screen_y(val : Number) shift_along_screen_y, shift_along_x(val : Number) shift_along_x, shift_along_y(val : Number) shift_along_y

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

derived : T derived, repr : String repr, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::TextMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

enhanced(value : Bool) : T enhanced, text_color(color : String) : T text_color, text_repr : String text_repr

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::FontMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

font_name(name : String) : T font_name, font_repr : String font_repr, font_size(size : Int32) : T font_size

Instance methods inherited from module Cryplot::BaseMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

derived : T derived, repr : String repr, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def add(values : Array(Float64), labels : Array(String)) #

Add more tics to be displayed with given tic values and corresponding labels.

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def add(values : Array(Float64)) #

Add more tics to be displayed with given tic values.

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def at(values : Array(Float64), labels : Array(String)) #

Set the labels that should be displayed on given tic values.

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def at(values : Array(Float64)) #

Set the values of the tics that should be displayed.

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def automatic #

Set the values of the tics to be identified automatically.

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def end(value : Float64) #

Set the end value for the tics (you must also call methods @ref start and @ref increment).

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def increment(value : Float64) #

Set the increment for the tics (start and end values determined automatically).

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def interval(start : Float64, increment : Float64, end_ : Float64) #

Set the start, increment and end values of the tics.

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def repr : String #
Description copied from module Cryplot::BaseMixin(Cryplot::MajorTics)

returns a string representation of object of some class

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def start(value : Float64) #

Set the start value for the tics (you must also call method @ref increment).

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def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a short String representation of this object which includes its class name and its object address.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).to_s # => #<Person:0x10a199f20>

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