module GSF::PlayerController

Defined in:


Constant Summary

DeathAnimationDuration = 300.milliseconds

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def dead? #

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def death_animation_duration #

TODO make this extendable, and used in the Player constructor to set above @death_timer

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def death_timer : Timer #

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def die! #

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def initialize_player_controller #

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def joystick_down?(joysticks : Joysticks) : Bool #

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def joystick_left?(joysticks : Joysticks) : Bool #

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def joystick_right?(joysticks : Joysticks) : Bool #

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def joystick_up?(joysticks : Joysticks) : Bool #

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def keys_down : Key | Array(Key) #

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def keys_left : Key | Array(Key) #

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def keys_right : Key | Array(Key) #

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def keys_up : Key | Array(Key) #

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def movement_input(keys : Keys, joysticks : Joysticks) : Tuple(Int32, Int32) #

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def reset_player_controller #

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