class Telnet::Parser


The Parser class is responsible for parsing input strings and extracting relevant data.


parser =
result = parser.parse("input string")
puts result

The #parse method takes an input string and returns the parsed result.


parser =
input = "example input"
parsed_data = parser.parse(input)
puts parsed_data

In this example, the Parser instance is created, and the #parse method is called with an input string. The parsed data is then printed to the console.

Telnet Commands and Subnegotiations

The Parser class handles Telnet commands and subnegotiations. There can be a default handler for each command and subnegotiations. The default handler can be overridden at the instance level.

You can set a callback at the class level by doing the following:

Parser.on_do_echo do

You can set a callback at the instance level by doing the following:

parser =
parser.on_do_echo do

You can set a similar callback for subnegotiations at the class level or instance level. An example of setting a subnegotiation callback at the instance level for the NAWS (Negotiate About Window Size) option is shown below for both the command and subnegotiation.

parser =
parser.on_will_naws do
  io.write(Telnet::Command.new_subneg(Telnet::Option::NAWS, data))

# Client sends IAC SB NAWS <data> <data> <data> <data> IAC SE
parser.on_subnegotiation_naws do |data|
  # Convert the first two bytes to a 16-bit for width
  width = (naws[0].to_u16 << 8) | naws[1].to_u16
  # Convert the next two bytes to a 16-bit for height
  height = (naws[2].to_u16 << 8) | naws[3].to_u16

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Descriptor) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.escape(data : Array(UInt8)) : Array(UInt8) #

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def self.on_ayt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when an AYT (Are You There) command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

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def self.on_do_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "BINARY" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "BM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "COMPORT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "DET" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "ENCRYPT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EOR" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EXOPL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EXTASCII" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "FORWARD_X" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "GMCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LFLOW" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LINEMODE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LOGOUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MCCP2" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MCCP3" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSDP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MXP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAMS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOCRD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOFFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOHTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOHTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOLFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOVTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOVTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAWS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "OUTMRK" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "RCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "RCTE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "REGIME3270" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SEND_URL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SGA" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SNDLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "START_TLS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "STATUS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPDUP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TSPEED" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TTYLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TTYPE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TUID" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "X3PAD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_do_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "XDISPLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "BINARY" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "BM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "COMPORT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "DET" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "ENCRYPT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EOR" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EXOPL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EXTASCII" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "FORWARD_X" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "GMCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LFLOW" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LINEMODE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LOGOUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MCCP2" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MCCP3" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSDP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MXP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAMS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOCRD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOFFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOHTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOHTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOLFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOVTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOVTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAWS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "OUTMRK" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "RCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "RCTE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "REGIME3270" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SEND_URL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SGA" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SNDLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "START_TLS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "STATUS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPDUP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TSPEED" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TTYLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TTYPE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TUID" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "X3PAD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_dont_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "XDISPLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "AUTHENTICATION" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "COMPORT" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "ENCRYPT" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "EXTASCII" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "LFLOW" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "LINEMODE" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "NAWS" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "NEWENVIRON" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "TSPEED" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "TTYPE" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_subnegotiation_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "XDISPLOC" option is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "BINARY" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "BM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "COMPORT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "DET" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "ENCRYPT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EOR" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EXOPL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EXTASCII" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "FORWARD_X" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "GMCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LFLOW" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LINEMODE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LOGOUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MCCP2" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MCCP3" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSDP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MXP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAMS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOCRD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOFFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOHTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOHTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOLFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOVTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOVTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAWS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "OUTMRK" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "RCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "RCTE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "REGIME3270" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SEND_URL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SGA" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SNDLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "START_TLS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "STATUS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPDUP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TSPEED" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TTYLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TTYPE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TUID" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "X3PAD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_will_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "XDISPLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "BINARY" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "BM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "COMPORT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "DET" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "ENCRYPT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EOR" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EXOPL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EXTASCII" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "FORWARD_X" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "GMCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LFLOW" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LINEMODE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LOGOUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MCCP2" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MCCP3" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSDP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSSP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MXP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAMS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOCRD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOFFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOHTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOHTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOLFD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOVTD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOVTS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAWS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "OUTMRK" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "RCP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "RCTE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "REGIME3270" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SEND_URL" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SGA" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SNDLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "START_TLS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "STATUS" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPDUP" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TM" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TSPEED" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TTYLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TTYPE" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TUID" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "X3PAD" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]
def self.on_wont_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "XDISPLOC" command is received at the class level and will be default for all instances. The callback can be overridden at the instance level.

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def charmode=(charmode : Bool) #

Enable character mode. When enabled the parser will send individual characters to the receive_data_handler. When it is disabled the parser will send the entire buffer to the receive_data_handler after processing telnet protocol data.

[View source]
def charmode? : Bool #

Enable character mode. When enabled the parser will send individual characters to the receive_data_handler. When it is disabled the parser will send the entire buffer to the receive_data_handler after processing telnet protocol data.

[View source]
def echo=(echo : Bool) #

Enable echo mode. When enabled the parser will send the data back to the client. When disabled the parser will not send the data back to the client.

[View source]
def echo? : Bool #

Enable echo mode. When enabled the parser will send the data back to the client. When disabled the parser will not send the data back to the client.

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def on_ayt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when an AYT (Are You There) command is received at the instance level.

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def on_do_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "BINARY" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "BM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "COMPORT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "DET" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "ENCRYPT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EOR" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EXOPL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "EXTASCII" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "FORWARD_X" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "GMCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LFLOW" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LINEMODE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "LOGOUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MCCP2" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MCCP3" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSDP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MSSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "MXP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAMS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOCRD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOFFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOHTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOHTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOLFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOVTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAOVTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NAWS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "OUTMRK" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "RCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "RCTE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "REGIME3270" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SEND_URL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SGA" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SNDLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "START_TLS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "STATUS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPDUP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TSPEED" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TTYLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TTYPE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "TUID" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "X3PAD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_do_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a do "XDISPLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "BINARY" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "BM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "COMPORT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "DET" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "ENCRYPT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EOR" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EXOPL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "EXTASCII" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "FORWARD_X" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "GMCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LFLOW" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LINEMODE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "LOGOUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MCCP2" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MCCP3" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSDP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MSSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "MXP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAMS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOCRD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOFFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOHTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOHTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOLFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOVTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAOVTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NAWS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "OUTMRK" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "RCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "RCTE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "REGIME3270" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SEND_URL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SGA" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SNDLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "START_TLS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "STATUS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPDUP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TSPEED" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TTYLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TTYPE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "TUID" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "X3PAD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_dont_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a dont "XDISPLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_receive_data(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "AUTHENTICATION" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "COMPORT" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "ENCRYPT" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "EXTASCII" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "LFLOW" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "LINEMODE" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "NAWS" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "NEWENVIRON" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "TSPEED" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "TTYPE" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_subnegotiation_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Array(UInt8), Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a subnegotiation for the "XDISPLOC" option is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_unknown_command(&block : Proc(Descriptor, UInt8, UInt8, Nil)) #

[View source]
def on_will_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "BINARY" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "BM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "COMPORT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "DET" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "ENCRYPT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EOR" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EXOPL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "EXTASCII" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "FORWARD_X" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "GMCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LFLOW" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LINEMODE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "LOGOUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MCCP2" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MCCP3" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSDP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MSSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "MXP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAMS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOCRD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOFFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOHTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOHTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOLFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOVTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAOVTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NAWS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "OUTMRK" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "RCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "RCTE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "REGIME3270" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SEND_URL" command is received at the instance level.

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def on_will_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SGA" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SNDLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "START_TLS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "STATUS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPDUP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TSPEED" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TTYLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TTYPE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "TUID" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "X3PAD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_will_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a will "XDISPLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_authentication(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "AUTHENTICATION" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_binary(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "BINARY" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_bm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "BM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_comport(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "COMPORT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_det(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "DET" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_encrypt(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "ENCRYPT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_eor(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EOR" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_exopl(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EXOPL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_extascii(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "EXTASCII" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_forward_x(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "FORWARD_X" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_gmcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "GMCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_lflow(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LFLOW" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_linemode(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LINEMODE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_logout(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "LOGOUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_mccp2(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MCCP2" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_mccp3(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MCCP3" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_msdp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSDP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_msp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_mssp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MSSP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_mxp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "MXP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_nams(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAMS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naocrd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOCRD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naoffd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOFFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naohtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOHTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naohts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOHTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naol(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naolfd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOLFD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naop(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naovtd(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOVTD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naovts(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAOVTS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_naws(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NAWS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_newenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "NEWENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_oldenviron(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "OLDENVIRON" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_outmrk(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "OUTMRK" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_rcp(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "RCP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_rcte(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "RCTE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_regime3270(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "REGIME3270" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_send_url(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SEND_URL" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_sga(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SGA" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_sndloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SNDLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_start_tls(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "START_TLS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_status(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "STATUS" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_supdup(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPDUP" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_supdupoutput(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPDUPOUTPUT" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_suppress_local_echo(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "SUPPRESS_LOCAL_ECHO" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_tm(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TM" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_tspeed(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TSPEED" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_ttyloc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TTYLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_ttype(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TTYPE" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_tuid(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "TUID" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_x3pad(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "X3PAD" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def on_wont_xdisploc(&block : Proc(Descriptor, Nil)) #

Set the callback to be called when a wont "XDISPLOC" command is received at the instance level.

[View source]
def parse(data : Array(UInt8)) #

Appends the data to the end of the buffer and then calls to process the buffer.

[View source]
def parse(data : Slice(UInt8)) #

Converts the data to an array of UInt8 and calls #parse.

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