class Telnet::Descriptor


Descriptor class wraps an IO object and provides a parser for telnet protocol through the Parser class. It also contains the IO loop for reading data from the socket when it is a client type. The IO loop is started in its own fiber when the connection is established.

Defined in:


Constant Summary



Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : TCPSocket, type : Type) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.new_client #

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Macro Detail

macro method_missing(call) #

Forward missing methods to the TCPSocket object

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Instance Method Detail

def close #

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def connect(address : String, port : Int32 = 23) : Bool #

Connect to a remote server Descriptor ends up calling TCPSocket#connect to establish the connection and we are wrapping the call so we can set @connected to true if the connection is successful. address is the address of the remote server port is the port to connect on (default is 23)

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def connected? : Bool #

If the descriptor is a Telnet::Client instance this allows us to know if we're connected to a server yet. This is not used by a server connection. The server connection status is determined by TCPSocket#closed?

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def finalize #

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def type : Type #

The type of descriptor

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def write(data : UInt8) #

Write a byte to the socket

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def write(data : Array(UInt8), escape : Bool = true) #

Write an array of bytes to the socket

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def write_command(data : Array(UInt8)) #

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def write_command(data : Slice(UInt8)) #

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