class MStrap::RuntimeManagers::ASDF

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Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class MStrap::RuntimeManager

current_version(language_name : String) : String | Nil current_version, has_plugin?(language_name : String) : Bool has_plugin?, install_plugin(language_name : String) : Bool install_plugin, install_version(language_name : String, version : String) : Bool install_version, installed_versions(language_name : String) : Array(String) installed_versions, latest_version(language_name : String) : String latest_version, name : String name, runtime_exec(language_name : String, command : String, args : Array(String) | Nil = nil, runtime_version : String | Nil = nil) runtime_exec, set_global_version(language_name : String, version : String) : Bool set_global_version, set_version(language_name : String, version : String | Nil) : Bool set_version, shell_activation(shell_name : String) : String shell_activation, supported_languages : Array(String) supported_languages

Class methods inherited from class MStrap::RuntimeManager

for(runtime_manager_name : String) for

Instance methods inherited from module MStrap::DSL::System

cmd(env : Hash | Nil, command : String, args : Array(String) | Nil, **kwargs) cmd, has_command?(command_name : String, **kwargs) : Bool has_command?

Instance methods inherited from module MStrap::DSL::Logging

log(msg) log, logc(msg) logc, logd(msg) logd, logn(msg) logn, logw(msg) logw, success(msg) success

Instance Method Detail

def current_version(language_name : String) : String | Nil #

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def has_plugin?(language_name : String) : Bool #

Returns whether the ASDF plugin has been installed for a language runtime or not

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def install_plugin(language_name : String) : Bool #

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def install_version(language_name : String, version : String) : Bool #

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def installed_versions(language_name : String) : Array(String) #

Returns a list of the versions of the language runtime installed by ASDF.

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def latest_version(language_name : String) : String #

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def plugin_name(language_name : String) : String | Nil #

Name of the ASDF plugin for a particular language

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def runtime_exec(language_name : String, command : String, args : Array(String) | Nil = nil, runtime_version : String | Nil = nil) #

Execute a command using a specific language runtime version

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def set_global_version(language_name, version : String) : Bool #

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def set_version(language_name : String, version : String | Nil) : Bool #

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def shell_activation(shell_name : String) : String #

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def supported_languages : Array(String) #

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