module MStrap::Paths

Defined in:


Constant Summary

BREWFILE = File.join(RC_DIR, "Brewfile")

Path to default profile Brewfile

CA_CERT_BUNDLE = File.join(RC_DIR, "cacert.pem")

Path to curl's CA cert bundle (used for verifying certs)

CONFIG_HCL = File.join(RC_DIR, "config.hcl")

Path to mstrap configuration file

LOG_FILE = File.join(RC_DIR, "mstrap.log")

Path to mstrap log file

PROFILES_DIR = File.join(RC_DIR, "profiles")

Path to mstrap profiles directory, where managed profiles are stored.

PROJECT_CERTS = File.join(RC_DIR, "project-certs")

Path to project certs directory, where NGINX TLS certs are stored.

PROJECT_SITES = File.join(RC_DIR, "project-sites")

Path to project sites directory, where NGINX configurations are stored.


Path to project sockets directory, where NGINX UNIX sockets are stored.

RC_DIR = File.join(ENV["HOME"], ".mstrap")

Path to runtime configuration directory

SERVICES_YML = File.join(RC_DIR, "services.yml")

Path to default profile services.yml, a Docker Compose file.

SRC_DIR = File.join(ENV["HOME"], "src")

Path to source code directory. Projects are stored here.