class GB::CPU

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CLOCK_SPEED = 4194304


Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : GB) #

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Macro Detail

macro flag(name, mask) #

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macro register(upper, lower, mask = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def a : UInt8 #

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def a=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def af : UInt16 #

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def af=(value : UInt16) : UInt16 #

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def af=(value : UInt8) : UInt16 #

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def b : UInt8 #

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def b=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def bc : UInt16 #

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def bc=(value : UInt16) : UInt16 #

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def bc=(value : UInt8) : UInt16 #

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def c : UInt8 #

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def c=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def d : UInt8 #

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def d=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def de : UInt16 #

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def de=(value : UInt16) : UInt16 #

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def de=(value : UInt8) : UInt16 #

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def e : UInt8 #

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def e=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def f : UInt8 #

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def f=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def f_c : Bool #

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def f_c=(on : Int | Bool) #

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def f_h : Bool #

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def f_h=(on : Int | Bool) #

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def f_n : Bool #

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def f_n=(on : Int | Bool) #

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def f_nc : Bool #

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def f_nh : Bool #

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def f_nn : Bool #

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def f_nz : Bool #

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def f_z : Bool #

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def f_z=(on : Int | Bool) #

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def h : UInt8 #

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def h=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def halt : Nil #

Handle regular and obscure halting behavior

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def handle_interrupts #

service all interrupts

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def hl : UInt16 #

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def hl=(value : UInt16) : UInt16 #

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def hl=(value : UInt8) : UInt16 #

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def ime : Bool #

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def ime=(ime : Bool) #

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def inc_pc : Nil #

Increment PC unless the halt bug should cause it to fail to increment

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def l : UInt8 #

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def l=(value : UInt8) : UInt8 #

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def memory : Memory #

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def memory=(memory : Memory) #

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def memory_at_hl : UInt8 #

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def memory_at_hl=(val : UInt8) : Nil #

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def pc : UInt16 #

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def pc=(pc : UInt16) #

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def print_state(op : String | Nil = nil) : Nil #

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def scheduler : Scheduler #

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def scheduler=(scheduler : Scheduler) #

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def skip_boot : Nil #

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def sp : UInt16 #

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def sp=(sp : UInt16) #

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def tick : Nil #

Runs for the specified number of machine cycles. If no argument provided, runs only one instruction. Handles interrupts after the instruction is executed.

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