class Docr::Endpoints::Volumes


The Volumes class provides methods to interact with volume-related endpoints. This class uses the client to send requests to the server and handles responses.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Docr::Client) #

Initializes a new Volumes instance with the provided client.

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Instance Method Detail

def client : Docr::Client #

A client instance used for making requests.

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Creates a new volume based on the provided configuration.

  • config: The configuration for creating the volume.

Returns the created volume.

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def delete(name : String, force : Bool = false) #

Deletes a specific volume by its name.

  • name: The name of the volume to delete.
  • force: (Optional) Force deletion if true. Default is false.

Does not return any specific value.

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def inspect(name : String) : Docr::Types::Volume #

Inspects a specific volume by its name.

  • name: The name of the volume to inspect.

Returns details about the specified volume.

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Retrieves a list of volumes.

Returns a response containing a list of volumes.

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