class Docr::Endpoints::System


The System class provides methods to interact with system-related endpoints. This class uses the client to send requests to the server and handles the responses.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Docr::Client) #

Initializes a new System instance with the provided client.

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Instance Method Detail

Authenticates against a registry, optionally retrieving an identity token for further password-less access.

  • auth: The authentication configuration.

Returns authentication details, including an identity token if available.

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def client : Docr::Client #

A client instance used for making requests.

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def events(since : Time | Nil = nil, _until : Time | Nil = nil, filters = Hash(String, Array(String)).new) : IO #

Fetches system events, optionally filtering by time and specific event attributes.

  • since: A timestamp to filter events since. Default is nil.
  • _until: A timestamp to filter events until. Default is nil.
  • filters: Additional filters for event attributes. Default is an empty hash.

Returns an IO object that can be used to read system events.

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def info #

Fetches system information.

Returns system information as a response object.

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def ping : String #

Checks the server's accessibility.

Returns a simple response string indicating server accessibility.

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Retrieves the Docker version and various details about the system Docker runs on.

Returns a structured response with Docker version information.

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