class Post

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

COLUMNS = {"id" => {type: Int64, primary: true, converter: "Int64", db_column_name: "id", crystal_variable_name: id, presence: false, mass_assign: true}, "title" => {type: String, primary: false, converter: "String", db_column_name: "title", crystal_variable_name: title, presence: true, mass_assign: true}, "content" => {type: String, primary: false, converter: "String", db_column_name: "content", crystal_variable_name: content, presence: true, mass_assign: true}, "kind" => {type: String, primary: false, converter: "String", db_column_name: "kind", crystal_variable_name: kind, presence: true, mass_assign: true}, "updated_at" => {type: Time, primary: false, converter: "Time", db_column_name: "updated_at", crystal_variable_name: updated_at, presence: true, mass_assign: true}, "created_at" => {type: Time, primary: false, converter: "Time", db_column_name: "created_at", crystal_variable_name: created_at, presence: true, mass_assign: true}, "tsv" => {type: Clear::TSVector, primary: false, converter: "Clear::TSVector", db_column_name: "tsv", crystal_variable_name: tsv, presence: false, mass_assign: true}, "author_id" => {type: Int64, primary: false, converter: "Int64", db_column_name: "author_id", crystal_variable_name: author_id, presence: false, mass_assign: true}} of Nil => Nil


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : NamedTuple) : self #

Build a new empty model and fill the columns using the NamedTuple in argument.

Returns the new model

[View source]
def : NamedTuple, &block : self -> Nil) : self #

Build a new empty model and fill the columns using the NamedTuple in argument.

Returns the new model

[View source]
def self.create(x : NamedTuple, &block : self -> Nil) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

The model may not be saved due to validation failure; check the returned model errors? and persisted? flags.

[View source]
def self.create(**tuple, &block : self -> Nil) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

The model may not be saved due to validation failure; check the returned model errors? and persisted? flags.

[View source]
def self.create(x : NamedTuple) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

The model may not be saved due to validation failure; check the returned model errors? and persisted? flags.

[View source]
def self.create(**tuple) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

The model may not be saved due to validation failure; check the returned model errors? and persisted? flags.

[View source]
def self.create!(x : NamedTuple, &block : self -> Nil) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

Returns the newly inserted model Raises an exception if validation failed during the saving process.

[View source]
def self.create!(**tuple, &block : self -> Nil) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

Returns the newly inserted model Raises an exception if validation failed during the saving process.

[View source]
def self.create!(x : NamedTuple) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

Returns the newly inserted model Raises an exception if validation failed during the saving process.

[View source]
def self.create!(**tuple) : self #

Build and new model and save it. Returns the model.

Returns the newly inserted model Raises an exception if validation failed during the saving process.

[View source]
def : Hash(String, _), cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache | Nil = nil, persisted = false, fetch_columns = false) #

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def : JSON::Any, cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache | Nil = nil, persisted = false) #

[View source]
def : NamedTuple, persisted = false) #

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def #

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Class Method Detail

def**tuple : **T) forall T #

Build a new empty model and fill the columns using the NamedTuple in argument.

Returns the new model

[View source]
def**tuple) #

Build a new empty model and fill the columns using the NamedTuple in argument.

Returns the new model

[View source]
def**tuple, &) #

Build a new empty model and fill the columns using the NamedTuple in argument.

Returns the new model

[View source]
def self.columns #

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def self.connection : String #

Define on which connection the model is living. Useful in case of models living in different databases.

Is set to "default" by default.

See Clear::SQL#init(URI, *opts) for more information about multi-connections.


Clear::SQL.init("secondary", "postgres://postgres@localhost/database_2")

class ModelA
  include Clear::Model

  # Performs all the queries on `database_1`
  # self.connection = "default"
  column id : Int32, primary: true, presence: false
  column title : String

class ModelB
  include Clear::Model

  # Performs all the queries on `database_2`
  self.connection = "secondary"

  column id : Int32, primary: true, presence: false

def self.connection=(connection : String) #

Define on which connection the model is living. Useful in case of models living in different databases.

Is set to "default" by default.

See Clear::SQL#init(URI, *opts) for more information about multi-connections.


Clear::SQL.init("secondary", "postgres://postgres@localhost/database_2")

class ModelA
  include Clear::Model

  # Performs all the queries on `database_1`
  # self.connection = "default"
  column id : Int32, primary: true, presence: false
  column title : String

class ModelB
  include Clear::Model

  # Performs all the queries on `database_2`
  self.connection = "secondary"

  column id : Int32, primary: true, presence: false

def self.create_from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Create a new model from json and save it. Returns the model.

The model may not be saved due to validation failure; check the returned model errors? and persisted? flags. Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def self.create_from_json!(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Create a new model from json and save it. Returns the model.

Returns the newly inserted model Raises an exception if validation failed during the saving process. Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def self.find(x) #

Returns a model using primary key equality Returns nil if not found.

[View source]
def self.find!(x) #

Returns a model using primary key equality. Raises error if the model is not found.

[View source]
def self.from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Create a new empty model and fill the columns from json. Returns the new model

Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def self.full_table_name #

returns the fully qualified and escaped name for this table. add schema if schema is different from 'public' (default schema)

ex: "schema"."table"

[View source]
def self.import(array : Enumerable(self), on_conflict : Clear::SQL::InsertQuery -> | Nil = nil) #

Import a bulk of models in one SQL insert query. Each model must be non-persisted.

on_conflict callback can be optionnaly turned on to manage constraints of the database.

Note: Old models are not modified. This method return a copy of the models as saved in the database.


users = [ 1), 2), 3)]
users = User.import(users)

[View source]
def self.polymorphic? : Bool #

def self.query #

Return a new empty query SELECT * FROM [my_model_table]. Can be refined after that.

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def self.read_only=(read_only : Bool) #

def self.read_only? : Bool #

def self.schema : Clear::SQL::Symbolic | Nil #

Define the current schema used in PostgreSQL. The value is nil by default, which lead to non-specified schema during the querying, and usage of "public" by PostgreSQL.

This property can be redefined on initialization. Example:

class MyModel
  include Clear::Model

  self.schema = "my_schema"
MyModel.query.to_sql # SELECT * FROM "my_schema"."my_models"

def self.schema=(schema : Clear::SQL::Symbolic | Nil) #

Define the current schema used in PostgreSQL. The value is nil by default, which lead to non-specified schema during the querying, and usage of "public" by PostgreSQL.

This property can be redefined on initialization. Example:

class MyModel
  include Clear::Model

  self.schema = "my_schema"
MyModel.query.to_sql # SELECT * FROM "my_schema"."my_models"

def #

def self.table : Clear::SQL::Symbolic #

Return the table name setup for this model. By convention, the class name is by default equals to the pluralized underscored string form of the model name. Example:

MyModel => "my_models"
Person => "people"
Project::Info => "project_infos"

The property can be updated at initialization to a custom table name:

class MyModel
  include Clear::Model

  self.table = "another_table_name"
MyModel.query.to_sql # SELECT * FROM "another_table_name"

def self.table=(table : Clear::SQL::Symbolic) #

Return the table name setup for this model. By convention, the class name is by default equals to the pluralized underscored string form of the model name. Example:

MyModel => "my_models"
Person => "people"
Project::Info => "project_infos"

The property can be updated at initialization to a custom table name:

class MyModel
  include Clear::Model

  self.table = "another_table_name"
MyModel.query.to_sql # SELECT * FROM "another_table_name"

Instance Method Detail

def _cached_author : Author | Nil #

def attributes : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) #

Attributes, used when fetch_columns is true

def author : Author #

The method author is a belongs_to relation to Author

def author=(model : Author) #

def author_id : Int64 #

Returns the value of #author_id column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def author_id=(x : Int64) #

Setter for #author_id column.

def author_id_column : Clear::Model::Column(Int64, Clear::Model::Converter::Int64Converter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #author_id field

See Clear::Model::Column

def cache : Clear::Model::QueryCache | Nil #

def changed? #

Return true if the model is dirty (e.g. one or more fields have been changed.). Return false otherwise.

def clear_change_flags #

Reset the #changed? flag on all columns

The model behave like its not dirty anymore and call to save would apply no changes.

Returns self

def content : String #

Returns the value of #content column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def content=(x : String) #

Setter for #content column.

def content_column : Clear::Model::Column(String, Clear::Model::Converter::StringConverter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #content field

See Clear::Model::Column

def created_at : Time #

Returns the value of #created_at column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def created_at=(x : Time) #

Setter for #created_at column.

def created_at_column : Clear::Model::Column(Time, Clear::Model::Converter::TimeConverter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #created_at field

See Clear::Model::Column

def dependencies : Post::Collection #

def dependents : Post::Collection #

def id : Int64 #

Returns the value of #id column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def id=(x : Int64) #

Setter for #id column.

def id_column : Clear::Model::Column(Int64, Clear::Model::Converter::Int64Converter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #id field

See Clear::Model::Column

def kind : String #

Returns the value of #kind column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def kind=(x : String) #

Setter for #kind column.

def kind_column : Clear::Model::Column(String, Clear::Model::Converter::StringConverter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #kind field

See Clear::Model::Column

def relationships : Relationship::Collection #

The method relationships is a has_many relation to Relationship

def reset(h : Hash(Symbol, _)) #

Set the columns from hash

def reset(h : Hash(String, _)) #

Set the model fields from hash

def reset(t : NamedTuple) #

def reset(from_json : JSON::Any) #

def reset(**t : **T) forall T #

reset flavors

def set(h : Hash(Symbol, _)) #

Set the columns from hash

def set(h : Hash(String, _)) #

Set the model fields from hash

def set(t : NamedTuple) #

def set(from_json : JSON::Any) #

def set(**t : **T) forall T #
Description copied from module Clear::Model::HasColumns

Set one or multiple columns to a specific value This two are equivalents:

model.set(a: 1)
model.a = 1

def set_from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Set the fields from json passed as argument Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def tag_names #

[View source]
def tags : Tag::Collection #

def tags=(names : Array(String)) #

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def title : String #

Returns the value of #title column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def title=(x : String) #

Setter for #title column.

def title_column : Clear::Model::Column(String, Clear::Model::Converter::StringConverter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #title field

See Clear::Model::Column

def to_h(full = false) : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) #

Return a hash version of the columns of this model.

def to_json(emit_nulls : Bool = false) #

def to_json(json, emit_nulls = false) #

def touch(now = Time.local) : Clear::Model #

Saves the record with the updated_at set to the current time.

[View source]
def tsv : Clear::TSVector #

Returns the value of #tsv column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def tsv=(x : Clear::TSVector) #

Setter for #tsv column.

def tsv_column : Clear::Model::Column(Clear::TSVector, Clear::TSVector::Converter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #tsv field

See Clear::Model::Column

def update_from_json(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Set the fields from json passed as argument and call save on the object Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def update_from_json!(string_or_io : String | IO, trusted : Bool = false) #

Set the fields from json passed as argument and call save! on the object Trusted flag set to true will allow mass assignment without protection, FALSE by default

def update_h : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) #

Generate the hash for update request (like during save)

def updated_at : Time #

Returns the value of #updated_at column or throw an exception if the column is not defined.

def updated_at=(x : Time) #

Setter for #updated_at column.

def updated_at_column : Clear::Model::Column(Time, Clear::Model::Converter::TimeConverter) #

Returns the column object used to manage #updated_at field

See Clear::Model::Column

def validate_fields_presence #

For each column, ensure than when needed the column has present information into it.

This method is called on validation.