class CreatePosts
- CreatePosts
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- Clear::Migration
Defined in:
db/migrations/1577358899_create_posts.crInstance Method Summary
- #change(dir)
#uid : Int64
Return the migration number (Unique ID or UID) for migration sorting.
Instance Method Detail
def uid : Int64
Return the migration number (Unique ID or UID) for migration sorting.
Default behavior (By order of priority):
- The uid will be generated by the class name, if the class name contains number at the end.
- If there's no numbers in the migration class, then it will try to use the id in the filename
- If not found, an exception is raised. This method can be overwritten by the concrete migration in case you need it.
class MyMigration1234567 # << Order = 1234567
file db/ # << Order = 1234567