class Avram::Attribute(T)

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Object

blank_for_validates_required? : Bool blank_for_validates_required?

Constructor Detail

def : Symbol, value : T | Nil, param_key : String, param : Array(String) | Avram::Uploadable | String | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](key) #

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def []?(key) #

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def add_error(message : String = "is invalid") #

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def add_error(message : Proc | Avram::CallableErrorMessage) #

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def allow_blank=(allow_blank : Bool) #

This can be used as an escape hatch when you may have a blank string that's allowed to be saved.

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def allow_blank? : Bool #

This can be used as an escape hatch when you may have a blank string that's allowed to be saved.

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def changed?(from : T | Nil | Nothing = IGNORE, to : T | Nil | Nothing = IGNORE) : Bool #

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def errors : Array(String) #

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def extract(params : Avram::Paramable) #

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def name : Symbol #

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def original_value : T | Nil #

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def param_key : String #

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def permitted #

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def reset_errors #

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def to_f #

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def to_f64 #

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def to_i #

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def to_i32 #

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def to_i64 #

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def to_s(time_format : String) #

NOTE to_s(io : IO) is used when passing an object in to string interpolation. Don't override that method.

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def to_s #

These methods may accidentally get called on attributes inside of operations. Since these methods don't exist, chances are, you meant to call them on the value.

# VS

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def valid? : Bool #

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def value : T | Nil #

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def value=(value : T | Nil) #

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Macro Detail

macro call_value_instead_error_message(method) #

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