class Spectator::Value(T)


Represents a value from a test. This is typically captured by an expect macro. It consists of a label and the value of the expression. The label should be a string recognizable by the user, or nil if one isn't available.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::Expression(T)

raw_value raw_value, value : T value

Constructor methods inherited from class Spectator::Expression(T)

new(label : Label) new

Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::AbstractExpression

cast(type : T.class) : T forall T cast, inspect(io : IO) : Nil inspect, label : Label label, raw_value raw_value, to_s(io : IO) : Nil to_s

Constructor methods inherited from class Spectator::AbstractExpression

new(label : Label) new

Instance methods inherited from class Object

should(matcher, message = nil) should, should_eventually(matcher, message = nil) should_eventually, should_never(matcher, message = nil) should_never, should_not(matcher, message = nil) should_not

Constructor Detail

def : T, label : Label) #

Creates the value. Expects the value of the expression and a label describing it. The label is usually the Crystal code evaluating to the value.

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def : T) #

Creates the value. Expects the value of the expression. It can be nil if it isn't available. A label is generated by calling #inspect on the value.

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Instance Method Detail

def value : T #

Raw value of the expression.

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