struct Spectator::Formatting::Components::Totals
Displays counts for each type of example result (pass, fail, error, pending).
Defined in:
.new(examples : Int32, failures : Int32, errors : Int32, pending : Int32)
Creates the component with the specified counts.
Creates the component by pulling numbers from counts.
Class Method Summary
Creates the component, but colors it whether there were pending or failed results.
Instance Method Summary
#to_s(io : IO) : Nil
Writes the counts to the output.
Instance methods inherited from class Object
should(matcher, message = nil)
should_eventually(matcher, message = nil)
should_never(matcher, message = nil)
should_not(matcher, message = nil)
Constructor Detail
def : Int32, failures : Int32, errors : Int32, pending : Int32)
Creates the component with the specified counts.
Class Method Detail
def self.colorize(counts)
Creates the component, but colors it whether there were pending or failed results. The component will be red if there were failures (or errors), yellow if there were pending/skipped tests, and green if everything passed.