
Beware! Ven is just a hobby project I work on from time to time.

This repository contains a reference interpreter for the Ven programming language. Ven is lightweight, slick and elegant; it is inspired mostly by Perl (and Raku), JavaScript, Python and Lisp (yes, Lisp!)

Building Ven

  1. Clone this repo.

With Docker:

A Docker buildimage is shipped with Ven.

  1. Run docker build -t venlang .;
  2. Run docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/bin:/build/bin venlang;
  3. The executable will be in bin/. If you ran Docker as root, you might want to chown the executable: sudo chown <your-user> bin/ven.

Without Docker:

  1. Run shards install --ignore-crystal-version;
  2. Run shards build --release --no-debug --production.

Also, make sure to install Inquirer. Otherwise, distinct and expose statements won't work.

You can strip the executable to reduce its size (goes down to about 5M).

Using Ven

Note that:

  1. Ven is not ready enough for experimental use.
  2. Ven is never going to be ready for production.

First, you have to start Inquirer:

  1. /path/to/bin/inquirer start -d starts Inquirer in detached mode, i.e., as a daemon that will run in the background; Omit the -d flag if you want to see what the server is up to, live.
  2. You can see whether Inquirer is running by asking it: /path/to/bin/inquirer shell. Type ping into the prompt, and you'll hopefully see pong;
  3. You can quit from the Inquirer shell by pressing CTRL+D;
  4. It is recommended to stop Inquirer after you've fiddled with it: it's /path/to/bin/inquirer stop, or die from the interactive shell.

Second, try to run Ven:

  1. Run ven sanity. If it worked with no errors, you have built Ven & friends successfully and know how to run it all now. If it didn't, make sure Inquirer's running and, if it is and things still fall apart, file an issue here or in the Inquirer repository.
  2. Run ven for an interactive prompt. Play with it?
  3. If you want to see what's going under the hood, pass -j (or --just) flag (ven -j <...>). It exposes different stages of Ven interpretation. Try -j read, -j compile and -j optimize to see what happens. If you don't know what to type, type 1 + 1 :slightly_smiling_face:
  4. You can run files by just passing them to ven: e.g., try try ven examples/calculator.ven. The -j flag works here, too, so ven -j optimize examples/calculator.ven will dump the optimized bytecode for that file.


  1. Fork it;
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature);
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature');
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature);
  5. Create a new Pull Request.