class Ven::Reader


A reader capable of parsing Ven.

puts"2 + 2")

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

KEYWORDS = ["_", "&_", "nud", "not", "is", "in", "if", "else", "fun", "given", "loop", "next", "queue", "ensure", "expose", "distinct", "box", "and", "or", "return", "dies", "to"] of ::String

Built-in keywords.

RX_IGNORE = Ven.regex_for(:IGNORE)
RX_NUMBER = Ven.regex_for(:NUMBER)
RX_REGEX = Ven.regex_for(:REGEX)
RX_SPECIAL = Ven.regex_for(:SPECIAL)
RX_STRING = Ven.regex_for(:STRING)
RX_SYMBOL = Ven.regex_for(:SYMBOL)


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, file : String = "untitled", context : Ven::Suite::Context::Reader = #

Makes a reader.

source (the only required argument) is for the source code, file is for the filename, and context is for the reader context.

NOTE Instances of Reader should be disposed after the first use.

puts"1 + 1").read

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Class Method Detail

def : String, file = "untitled", context = #

Makes an instance of Reader, immediately reads source and disposes the instance.

source (the only required argument) is for the source code; file is for the filename; context is for the reader context.

Ignores valid expose and distinct.

See #read.

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def, file = "untitled", context =, &) #

Makes an instance of Reader, immediately reads source and disposes the instance.

source (the only required argument) is for the source code; file is for the filename; context is for the reader context.

Ignores valid expose and distinct.

See #read.

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Instance Method Detail

def before(type : String, unit : -> T = ->led) forall T #

Expects type after calling unit. Returns whatever unit returns.

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def before(after : -> Bool, unit = ->led) #

Calls after after calling unit. If after returned false, dies of ReadError.

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Returns this reader's context.

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def die(message : String) #

Given an explanation message, message, dies of ReadError.

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def distinct? : Distinct | Nil #

Tries to read a 'distinct' statement.

Returns the path of the distinct if found one, or nil if did not.

"distinct" PATH (";" | EOI)

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def eoi? #

Returns whether the current word is one of the end-of-input words.

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def expect(*types : String) #

Returns the current word and consumes the next one, but only if the current word is of one of the given types. Dies of ReadError otherwise.

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def exposes : Array(Distinct) #

Tries to read a group of 'expose' statements separated by semicolons. Returns an array of each of those exposes' paths. If read no expose statements, returns and empty array.

{"expose" PATH (";" | EOI)}

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def is_led?(only pick : Parselet::Led.class) : Bool #

Returns whether the current word is a led parselet of type pick.

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def is_led? #

Returns whether the current word is a led parselet.

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def is_nud?(only pick : Parselet::Nud.class) : Bool #

Returns whether the current word is a nud parselet of type pick.

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def is_nud? #

Returns whether the current word is a nud parselet.

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def is_stmt? #

Returns whether the current word is a statement parselet.

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def led(level : Precedence = Precedence::ZERO) : Quote #

Reads a led expression on precedence level level (see Precedence).

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def prepare #

Prepares this reader so it is able to read Ven.

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def read(&) #

Reads the source, yielding each top-level statement to the block.

Returns nothing.

Raises if this reader is dirty.

NOTE expose and distinct are not read by this method.

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def read #

Reads the source into an Array of Quotes.

Returns that array.

Raises if this reader is dirty.

NOTE expose and distinct are not read by this method.

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def repeat(stop : String | Nil = nil, sep : String | Nil = nil, unit : -> T = ->led) forall T #

Calls unit repeatedly; assembles the results of each call in an Array, and returns that array on termination.

Expects sep after each call to unit. Terminates on stop.

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def statement : Quote #

Reads a statement followed by a semicolon (if needed).

Semicolons are optional before #eoi? words.

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def to_s(io) #

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def word : {type: String, lexeme: String, line: Int32} #

Returns the current word.

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def word!(type : String) #

Returns the current word and consumes the next one, but only if the current word is of type type. Returns nil otherwise.

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def word! #

Returns the current word and consumes the next one.

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