module Grip::Extensions::Context
Direct including types
Defined in:
grip/extensions/context.crInstance Method Summary
#binary(content, content_type = "application/octet-stream")
Sends a response with no formating.
Deletes request header.
Deletes response header.
- #exception : Exception | Nil
- #exception=(exception : Exception | Nil)
- #exec(&)
Fetches the parsed URL encoded parameters from an endpoint.
Fetches the parsed multipart data from an endpoint.
Fetches the parsed JSON content from an endpoint.
Fetches the parsed URL data from an endpoint.
Fetches the parsed
query parameters from an endpoint. -
Get cookie from request or nil if key does not exist
Gets request header, raises if not found.
Gets request header, returns nil if not found.
Gets response header.
Halts the execution of the endpoint
#html(content, content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8")
Sends a response with the content formated as html.
#json(content, content_type = "application/json")
Sends a response with the content formated as json.
Merges the response headers with another hashmap
- #parameters : Grip::Parsers::ParameterBox | Nil
- #parameters=(parameters : Grip::Parsers::ParameterBox | Nil)
#put_req_header(key, value)
Assigns request header in the headers hashmap.
#put_resp_cookie(key, val)
Sets response cookie from string
Sets response cookie
#put_resp_header(key, value)
Assigns response header in the headers hashmap.
#put_status(status_code = HTTP::Status::OK)
Assigns response status code.
- #redirect(url = "/", status_code = HTTP::Status::FOUND)
#send_file(path : String, mime_type : String | Nil = nil, gzip_enabled : Bool = false)
Sends a file
Sends a response with a status code of OK.
#text(content, content_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
Sends a response with the content formated as text.
Instance Method Detail
Sends a response with no formating.
Sends a response with the content formated as html.
Sends a response with the content formated as json.
Sends a file
Sends a response with the content formated as text.