class Grip::Application


Grip::Application is a building class which initializes the crucial parts of the web-framework.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Grip::Macros::Dsl

delete(route, resource, **kwargs) delete, exception(exception, resource) exception, exceptions(exceptions, resource) exceptions, forward(route, resource, **kwargs) forward, get(route, resource, **kwargs) get, head(route, resource, **kwargs) head, options(route, resource, **kwargs) options, patch(route, resource, **kwargs) patch, pipe_through(valve) pipe_through, pipeline(name, pipes) pipeline, post(route, resource, **kwargs) post, put(route, resource, **kwargs) put, scope(path) scope, static(source, destination, **kwargs) static, ws(route, resource, **kwargs) ws

Constructor Detail

def : String = "development") #

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Instance Method Detail

def cert_file : String #

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def environment : String #

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def exception_handler : Grip::Handlers::Exception #

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def host : String #

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def http_handler : Grip::Routers::Http #

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def key_file : String #

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def pipeline_handler : Grip::Handlers::Pipeline #

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def port : Int32 #

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def reuse_port : Bool #

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def router : Array(HTTP::Handler) #

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def router=(router : Array(HTTP::Handler)) #

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def run #

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def scheme : String #

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def scopes : Array(String) #

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def server : HTTP::Server #

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def ssl : Bool #

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def static_handlers : Array(Grip::Handlers::Static) #

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def valve : Symbol | Nil #

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def valves : Array(Symbol) #

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def websocket_handler : Grip::Routers::WebSocket #

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