class Dogapi::V1::MetricService


Event-specific client affording more granular control than the simple Dogapi::Client

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Dogapi::APIService

handle_response(resp) handle_response, prepare_params(extra_params, with_app_key) prepare_params, request(method, url, extra_params, body, send_json, with_app_key = true) request, suppress_error_if_silent(e) suppress_error_if_silent

Constructor methods inherited from class Dogapi::APIService

new(api_key : String, application_key : Nil | String = nil, silent : Bool = true, timeout : Int32 | Nil = nil, endpoint : Nil | String = nil) new

Instance Method Detail

def flush_buffer #

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def get(query, from, to) #

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def make_metric_payload(metric, points, scope, options) #

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def submit(*args) #

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def submit_to_api(metric, points, scope, options = {} of String => String) #

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def submit_to_buffer(metric, points, scope, options = {} of String => String) #

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def switch_to_batched #

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def switch_to_single #

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def upload(metrics) #

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