class Dogapi::Client
- Dogapi::Client
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #batch_metrics(&)
- #comment(message, options = {} of String => String)
- #datadog_host : String?
- #datadog_host=(datadog_host : Nil | String)
- #emit_event(event, options = {} of String => String)
#emit_point(metric, value, options = {} of String => String)
Record a single point of metric data
#emit_points(metric, points, options = {} of String => String)
Record a set of points of metric data
- #get_points(query, from, to)
Constructor Detail
def : String, application_key : Nil | String = nil, host : String | Time | Nil = nil, device : Nil | String = nil, silent : Bool = true, timeout : Nil | String = nil, endpoint : Nil | String = nil)
Instance Method Detail
Record a single point of metric data
Optional arguments: :timestamp => Ruby stdlib Time` :host => String :device => String :options => Map
options[:type] = "counter" to specify a counter metric options[:tags] = ["tag1", "tag2"] to tag the point
Record a set of points of metric data
+points+ is an array of [Time, value] doubles
Optional arguments: :host => String :device => String :options => Map
options[:type] = "counter" to specify a counter metric options[:tags] = ["tag1", "tag2"] to tag the point