module XIVAPI::Client::Character

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary


A Set of Strings representing the fields that can be requested using the Character endpoint

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def character(id : UInt64, data : Enumerable(String) = [] of String) : Dataclasses::CharacterResponse #

Retrieve the details of the Character with the given Lodestone ID. Any data fields that are requested will be mapped against the CHARACTER_DATA_VALUES variable to ensure only allowed values are sent.

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def character_search(name : String, server : String = "", page : UInt32 = 1) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::CharacterSummary) #

Search the lodestone API for characters with a given name. Optionally, search specific servers, add request extra fields.

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def character_verification(id : UInt64, token : String) : Bool #

Verify the Character using a token. This method checks that the given token is in the requested User's Bio

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