class XIVAPI::Client


When this file is required, include the Servers module to have access to the commands

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::Servers

datacenters : Hash(String, Array(String)) datacenters, servers : Array(String) servers

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::PvpTeam

pvp_team(id : String) : Dataclasses::PvpTeamResponse pvp_team, pvp_team_search(name : String, server : String = "", page : UInt32 = 1) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::PvpTeamProfile) pvp_team_search

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::Other

content : Array(String) content, list_game_data(index : String, page : Int32 = 1, limit : Int32 = 100, ids : Array(Int32) = [] of Int32) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::IDIconNameUrl) list_game_data, lore(string : String = "", string_algo : String = "wildcard", string_column : String = "", filters : Array(String) = [] of String, indexes : Array(String) = [] of String, sort_field : String = "", sort_order : String = "asc", page : Int32 = 1, limit : Int32 = 50, include_data : Bool = false) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::Lore) lore, patch_list : Array(Dataclasses::Patch) patch_list, read_game_data(index : String, id : Int32) : JSON::Any read_game_data, search(string : String = "", string_algo : String = "wildcard", string_column : String = "", filters : Array(String) = [] of String, indexes : Array(String) = [] of String, sort_field : String = "", sort_order : String = "asc", page : Int32 = 1, limit : Int32 = 50) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::SearchResult) search

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::Linkshell

linkshell(id : String) : Dataclasses::LinkshellResponse linkshell, linkshell_search(name : String, server : String = "", page : UInt32 = 1) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::LinkshellSearch) linkshell_search

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::FreeCompany

free_company(id : String, members : Bool = false) : Dataclasses::FreeCompanyResponse free_company, free_company_search(name : String, server : String = "", page : UInt32 = 1) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::FreeCompanyProfile) free_company_search

Instance methods inherited from module XIVAPI::Client::Character

character(id : UInt64, data : Enumerable(String) = [] of String) : Dataclasses::CharacterResponse character, character_search(name : String, server : String = "", page : UInt32 = 1) : Dataclasses::Page(Dataclasses::CharacterSummary) character_search, character_verification(id : UInt64, token : String) : Bool character_verification

Constructor Detail

def : String = "", language : String = "en", staging : Bool = false) #

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Instance Method Detail

def api_key : String #

The api key for the client, can be changed while in use

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def api_key=(api_key : String) #

The api key for the client, can be changed while in use

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def default_params : Hash(String, String) #

Return a Hash of the default parameters that should be added in every request. These are currently; api_key, language

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def language : String #

The current language being used as the default for the requests

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def language=(language : String) #

Set the language of the client by ensuring it's in the array of allowed languages

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def staging : Bool #

A flag stating whether or not requests should use the stage version of the API

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def staging=(staging : Bool) #

Set the staging value of the client. This method automatically updates the API url to the appropriate value

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