class MM::ParameterSet

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.from_charmm(*paths : Path | String) : self #

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Instance Method Detail

def <<(angle_t : AngleType) : self #

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def <<(atom : AtomType) : self #

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def <<(bond_t : BondType) : self #

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def <<(dihedral_t : DihedralType) : self #

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def <<(improper_t : ImproperType) : self #

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def <<(patch : Patch) : self #

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def <<(residue : ResidueType) : self #

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def [](angle : Chem::Angle) : AngleType #

Returns the angle parameter type associated with angle. Raises KeyError if the parameter does not exists.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def [](bond : Chem::Bond) : BondType #

Returns the bond parameter type associated with bond. Raises KeyError if the parameter does not exists.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def [](dihedral : Chem::Dihedral) : DihedralType #

Returns the dihedral parameter type associated with dihedral. Raises KeyError if the parameter does not exists.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def [](improper : Chem::Improper) : ImproperType #

Returns the improper parameter type associated with improper. Raises KeyError if the parameter does not exists.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def []?(angle : Chem::Angle) : AngleType | Nil #

Returns the angle parameter type associated with angle if exists, else nil.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def []?(bond : Chem::Bond) : BondType | Nil #

Returns the bond parameter type associated with bond if exists, else nil.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def []?(dihedral : Chem::Dihedral) : DihedralType | Nil #

Returns the dihedral parameter type associated with dihedral if exists, else nil.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def []?(improper : Chem::Improper) : ImproperType | Nil #

Returns the improper parameter type associated with improper if exists, else nil.

It uses the typenames of the involved atoms as key to fetch the parameter type. Raises ArgumentError if any atom does not have a assigned type (nil).

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def angle?(typenames : Tuple(String, String, String)) : AngleType | Nil #

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def angles : Array::View(AngleType) #

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def atom?(name : String) : AtomType | Nil #

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def atoms : Array::View(AtomType) #

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def bond?(typenames : Tuple(String, String)) : BondType | Nil #

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def bonds : Array::View(BondType) #

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def detect_missing(top : Chem::Topology) : Array(C) #

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def dihedral?(typenames : Tuple(String | Nil, String, String, String | Nil)) : DihedralType | Nil #

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def dihedrals : Array::View(DihedralType) #

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def fuzzy_search(angle : Chem::Angle) : Array(AngleType) #

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def fuzzy_search(bond : Chem::Bond) : Array(BondType) #

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def fuzzy_search(dihedral : Chem::Dihedral) : Array(DihedralType) #

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def fuzzy_search(improper : Chem::Improper) : Array(ImproperType) #

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def improper?(typenames : Tuple(String, String | Nil, String | Nil, String)) : ImproperType | Nil #

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def impropers : Array::View(ImproperType) #

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def patch?(name : String) : Patch | Nil #

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def patches : Array::View(Patch) #

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def residue?(name : String) : ResidueType | Nil #

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def residues : Array::View(ResidueType) #

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def to_prm(output : IO | Path | String) : Nil #

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