struct MM::DihedralType
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #==(rhs : self) : Bool
- #===(typenames : Tuple(String | Nil, String, String, String | Nil)) : Bool
#copy_with(typenames : Tuple(*T)) : self
Returns a copy but changing the given values.
- #phases : Array::View(Phase)
Instance methods inherited from struct MM::ParameterType({String?, String, String, String?})
<=>(rhs : self) : Int32
==(typenames : Tuple(*T)) : Bool
===(rhs : self) : Bool===(typenames : Tuple(*T)) : Bool ===, comment : String | Nil comment, copy_with(typenames : Tuple(*T)) : self copy_with, each_typename_permutation(& : Tuple(*T) -> ) : Nil each_typename_permutation, penalty : Float64 penalty, typename_permutations : Array(Tuple(*T)) typename_permutations, typenames : Tuple(*T) typenames
Constructor methods inherited from struct MM::ParameterType({String?, String, String, String?})
new(typenames : Tuple(*T), penalty : Float64 = 0.0, comment : String | Nil = nil)
Constructor Detail
def : Tuple(String | Nil, String, String, String | Nil), phases : Array(Phase), penalty : Float64 = 0.0, comment : String | Nil = nil)
Instance Method Detail
Description copied from struct MM::ParameterType({String?, String, String, String?})
Returns a copy but changing the given values.