module Chem::FormatWriter(T)


Declares a common interface for writing an object encoded in a file format.

Including types must implement the #encode_entry(T) protected method, where the type variable T indicates the encoded type.

Including types will behave like an IO wrapper via the IO::Wrapper mixin, which provides convenience constructors. Initialization arguments are gathered from the designated #initialize method looked up on concrete types at compilation time. The underlying IO can be accessed through the @io instance variable.

struct Foo
  getter num : Int32
  getter str : String

  def initialize(@num : Int32, @str : String); end

class Foo::Writer
  include Chem::FormatWriter(Foo)

  def encode_entry(foo : Foo) : Nil
    @io.puts foo.num
    @io.puts foo.str

io =
writer = io
writer.written? # => false
writer <<, "bar")
io.to_s                       # => "123\nbar\n"
writer.written?               # => true
writer <<, "baz") # raises IO::Error (an entry was already written)
writer <<, "foo") # raises IO::Error (closed IO)

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary


File open mode. May be overriden by including types.

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module IO::Wrapper

close close, closed? : Bool closed?, sync_close : Bool sync_close, sync_close=(sync_close : Bool) sync_close=

Instance Method Detail

def <<(obj : T) : Nil #

Writes the given object into the IO. Raises IO::Error if the IO is closed or if an entry was already written.

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def format(str : String, *args, **options) : Nil #

Writes a formatted string to the enclosed IO. For details on the format string, see top-level sprintf.

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def formatl(str : String, *args, **options) : Nil #

Writes a formatted string followed by a newline to the enclosed IO. For details on the format string, see top-level sprintf.

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def written? : Bool #

Returns true if an object was already written.

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