class Docr::Commands::About

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Docr::Commands::Base

debug(data : _) : Nil debug, error(data : _) : Nil error, help_template : String help_template, info(data : _) : Nil info, on_error(ex : Exception) on_error, on_missing_arguments(args : Array(String)) on_missing_arguments, on_unknown_arguments(args : Array(String)) on_unknown_arguments, on_unknown_options(options : Array(String)) on_unknown_options, pre_run(arguments : Cling::Arguments, options : Cling::Options) : Nil pre_run, warn(data : _) : Nil warn

Constructor methods inherited from class Docr::Commands::Base

new new

Instance Method Detail

def run(arguments : Cling::Arguments, options : Cling::Options) : Nil #
Description copied from class Cling::Command

The main point of execution for the command, where arguments and options can be accessed.

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def setup : Nil #
Description copied from class Cling::Command

An abstract method that should define information about the command such as the name, aliases, arguments, options, etc. The command name is required for all commands, all other values are optional including the help message.

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