class ORTools::Sat::ValidSolution


Class should only contain solutions deemed valid

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::Solution

proto : CpSolverResponse proto, status : CpSolverStatus status, valid? : Bool valid?

Constructor methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::Solution

new(proto : ORTools::Sat::CpSolverResponse) new

Class methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::Solution

valid?(proto : CpSolverResponse) : Bool valid?

Instance Method Detail

def objective_value #

Returns the value of the objective function if found

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def true?(bool_var : BoolVar) : Bool #

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def value(int_var : BoolVar) : Int64 #

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def value(int_var : IntVar) : Int64 #

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