class ORTools::Sat::BoolVar


This class is identical to IntVar, but is used to type check the input to literal constraints

Defined in:


Instance methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::IntVar

!=(other : Expressible) !=, +(other : Expressible) +, -(other : Expressible)
- : self
, <(other : Expressible) <, <=(other : Expressible) <=, ==(other : Expressible) ==, >(other : Expressible) >, >=(other : Expressible) >=, index : Int32 index, to_lexpr : LinearExpression to_lexpr

Constructor methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::IntVar

new(index : Int32) new

Class methods inherited from class ORTools::Sat::IntVar

zero zero