module Tput::Output::Cursor
Included Modules
- Crystallabs::Helpers::Alias_Methods
- Crystallabs::Helpers::Boolean
- Tput::Macros
Direct including types
Defined in:
tput/output/cursor.crInstance Method Summary
#char_pos_absolute(param : Int32 | Nil = 1)
CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA).
#cursor_backward(param = 1)
CSI Ps A Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU).
#cursor_backward_tab(param = 1)
CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT).
#cursor_char_absolute(point : Point)
Sets cursor x coordinate to absolute value
. -
#cursor_char_absolute(param = 0)
Sets cursor x coordinate to absolute value
. -
#cursor_color(color : String)
Sets cursor color.
#cursor_color(color : Color)
Sets cursor color.
#cursor_down(param = 1)
CSI Ps A Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU).
#cursor_forward(param : Int = 1)
Cursor forward.
#cursor_forward_tab(param = 1)
CSI Ps I Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT).
#cursor_line_absolute(point : Point)
Sets cursor y coordinate to absolute value
. - #cursor_line_absolute(param = 1)
#cursor_next_line(param = 1)
CSI Ps E Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL).
#cursor_position(row : Int = 0, column : Int = 0)
Set cursor position.
#cursor_position(point : Tput::Point)
Set cursor position.
#cursor_preceding_line(param = 1)
CSI Ps F Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL).
#cursor_shape(shape, blink = false)
Sets cursor shape.
#cursor_up(param = 1)
CSI Ps A Cursor Up Ps Times (default = 1) (CUU).
OSC Ps ; Pt ST OSC Ps ; Pt BEL Change dynamic colors
#h_position_relative(param = 1)
141 61 a * HPR - Horizontal Position Relative reuse CSI Ps C ? TODO switch to adjust_xy; how can we put cuf() without adjusting state?
- #hide_cursor
#hv_position(row = 0, col = 0)
CSI Ps ; Ps f Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (HVP).
#lrestore_cursor(key = :local, hide = false)
Restore Cursor Locally
#lsave_cursor(key = :local)
Save Cursor Locally
#move(point : Point)
Moves cursor to desired point by using absolute coordinate instructions
#move(x = nil, y = nil)
Moves cursor to desired point by using absolute coordinate instructions
#omove(point : Point)
Moves cursor to desired point by using instructions relative to current position
#omove(x = 0, y = 0)
Moves cursor to desired point by using instructions relative to current position
- #reset_cursor
OSC Ps ; Pt ST OSC Ps ; Pt BEL Reset colors
#restore_cursor(key : String | Nil = nil, hide : Bool = false)
Restore saved cursor position.
CSI u Restore cursor (ANSI.SYS).
- #restore_reported_cursor
#rmove(dx, dy)
Move cursor by
columns anddy
rows -
#rmove(point : Point)
Move cursor by
columns anddy
rows -
Move cursor forward or back by
columns -
Move cursor forward or back by
rows -
#save_cursor(key : String | Nil = nil)
Save cursor position.
CSI s Save cursor (ANSI.SYS).
#set_cursor_style(style = CursorStyle::SteadyBlock)
CSI Ps SP q Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520).
- #show_cursor
#v_position_relative(param = 1)
145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative reuse CSI Ps B ? TODO adjust_xy
Instance Method Detail
CSI Pm ` Character Position Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (HPA).
TODO switch to adjust_xy
CSI Ps Z Cursor Backward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CBT).
Sets cursor x coordinate to absolute value param
Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA).
Sets cursor x coordinate to absolute value param
Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA).
Sets cursor color. XTerm, rxvt, and screen specific.
Accepted values are the color names listed in /etc/X11/rgb.txt
Sets cursor color. XTerm, rxvt, and screen specific.
Accepted values are the color names listed in /etc/X11/rgb.txt
Cursor forward. CSI Ps C Cursor Forward Ps Times (default = 1) (CUF).
CSI Ps I Cursor Forward Tabulation Ps tab stops (default = 1) (CHT).
Sets cursor y coordinate to absolute value param
CSI Pm d
Line Position Absolute [row] (default = [1,column]) (VPA).
NOTE Can't find in terminfo, no idea why it has multiple params (Pm).
CSI Ps E Cursor Next Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). same as CSI Ps B ?
Set cursor position. CSI Ps ; Ps H Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP).
Set cursor position. CSI Ps ; Ps H Cursor Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (CUP).
CSI Ps F Cursor Preceding Line Ps Times (default = 1) (CNL). reuse CSI Ps A ?
Sets cursor shape.
Only XTerm, (u)rxvt, screen, and iTerm2. Does nothing otherwise. If you know of any others, post them.
141 61 a * HPR - Horizontal Position Relative reuse CSI Ps C ?
TODO switch to adjust_xy; how can we put cuf() without adjusting state?
CSI Ps ; Ps f Horizontal and Vertical Position [row;column] (default = [1,1]) (HVP).
TODO adjust_xy
Moves cursor to desired point by using absolute coordinate instructions
Moves cursor to desired point by using absolute coordinate instructions
Moves cursor to desired point by using instructions relative to current position
NOTE fix cud and cuu calls
Moves cursor to desired point by using instructions relative to current position
NOTE fix cud and cuu calls
Restore saved cursor position.
ESC 8 Restore Cursor (DECRC).
CSI Ps SP q Set cursor style (DECSCUSR, VT520). Ps = 0 -> blinking block. Ps = 1 -> blinking block (default). Ps = 2 -> steady block. Ps = 3 -> blinking underline. Ps = 4 -> steady underline.
145 65 e * VPR - Vertical Position Relative reuse CSI Ps B ?
TODO adjust_xy