module Tput::Output

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for(("::", '.')).underscore)

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Terminal

decrst(*arguments) decrst, decset(*arguments) decset, request_ansi_mode(param = "") request_ansi_mode, request_private_mode(param = "") request_private_mode, reset reset, reset_mode(*arguments) reset_mode, set_conformance_level(*arguments) set_conformance_level, set_mode(*arguments) set_mode, soft_reset soft_reset

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Screen

alternate_buffer alternate_buffer, clear clear, erase_in_display(param = Erase::Below) erase_in_display, normal_buffer normal_buffer

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Mouse

enable_filter_rectangle(*arguments) enable_filter_rectangle, enable_locator_reporting(*arguments) enable_locator_reporting, set_locator_events(*arguments) set_locator_events

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Rectangles

copy_rectangle(*arguments) copy_rectangle, erase_rectangle(top = 0, left = 0, bottom = @screen.height - 1, right = @screen.width - 1) erase_rectangle, fill_rectangle(*arguments) fill_rectangle, reverse_attr_in_rectangle(*arguments) reverse_attr_in_rectangle, select_change_extent(param = 0) select_change_extent, selective_erase_rectangle(top = 0, left = 0, bottom = @screen.height - 1, right = @screen.width - 1) selective_erase_rectangle, set_attr_in_rectangle(*arguments) set_attr_in_rectangle

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Bell

bell bell, margin_bell_volume=(param : Volume) margin_bell_volume=, warning_bell_volume=(param : Volume) warning_bell_volume=

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Emulator

copy_to_clipboard(text) copy_to_clipboard, disable_modifiers(param = "") disable_modifiers, reset_title_modes(*arguments) reset_title_modes, set_pointer_mode(param = "") set_pointer_mode, set_resources(*arguments) set_resources, set_title_mode_feature(*arguments) set_title_mode_feature, title=(title : String) title=

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Charset

charset=(charset : C | Nil) charset=, enter_alt_charset_mode enter_alt_charset_mode, exit_alt_charset_mode exit_alt_charset_mode, set_g(val) set_g

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Scrolling

index index, reverse_index reverse_index, scroll_down(param = 1) scroll_down, scroll_up(param = 1) scroll_up, set_scroll_region(top : Int = 0, bottom : Int = (@screen.height - 1)) set_scroll_region

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Misc

escape escape, load_leds(param = 0) load_leds, mc0 mc0, mc4 mc4, mc5 mc5, mc5p mc5p, media_copy(*arguments) media_copy, null null, repeat(str, i = 1) repeat

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Text

_attr(param : Array | String, val = true) _attr, backspace backspace, carriage_return carriage_return, char_attributes(param, val) char_attributes, delete_chars(param = 1) delete_chars, delete_columns(n = 1) delete_columns, delete_line(param : Int = 1) delete_line, echo(text, attr = nil) echo, erase_character(param : Int = 1) erase_character, erase_in_line(param = LineDirection::Right) erase_in_line, form_feed form_feed, horizontal_tabulation_set horizontal_tabulation_set, insert_chars(param = 1) insert_chars, insert_columns(n = 1) insert_columns, insert_line(param : Int = 1) insert_line, line_feed line_feed, line_height line_height, repeat_preceding_character(param = 1) repeat_preceding_character, sel_data(a, b) sel_data, set_background(color, val) set_background, set_char_protection_attr(param = 0) set_char_protection_attr, set_foreground(color, val) set_foreground, shift_in shift_in, shift_out shift_out, simple_insert(str, i = 1, attr = nil) simple_insert, tab_clear(param = 0) tab_clear, text(text, attr) text, vertical_tab vertical_tab

Instance methods inherited from module Tput::Output::Cursor

char_pos_absolute(param : Int32 | Nil = 1) char_pos_absolute, cursor_backward(param = 1) cursor_backward, cursor_backward_tab(param = 1) cursor_backward_tab, cursor_char_absolute(point : Point)
cursor_char_absolute(param = 0)
, cursor_color(color : String)
cursor_color(color : Color)
, cursor_down(param = 1) cursor_down, cursor_forward(param : Int = 1) cursor_forward, cursor_forward_tab(param = 1) cursor_forward_tab, cursor_line_absolute(point : Point)
cursor_line_absolute(param = 1)
, cursor_next_line(param = 1) cursor_next_line, cursor_position(row : Int = 0, column : Int = 0)
cursor_position(point : Tput::Point)
, cursor_preceding_line(param = 1) cursor_preceding_line, cursor_shape(shape, blink = false) cursor_shape, cursor_up(param = 1) cursor_up, dynamic_cursor_color(param) dynamic_cursor_color, h_position_relative(param = 1) h_position_relative, hide_cursor hide_cursor, hv_position(row = 0, col = 0) hv_position, lrestore_cursor(key = :local, hide = false) lrestore_cursor, lsave_cursor(key = :local) lsave_cursor, move(point : Point)
move(x = nil, y = nil)
, omove(point : Point)
omove(x = 0, y = 0)
, reset_cursor reset_cursor, reset_cursor_color reset_cursor_color, restore_cursor(key : String | Nil = nil, hide : Bool = false) restore_cursor, restore_cursor_a restore_cursor_a, restore_reported_cursor restore_reported_cursor, rmove(dx, dy)
rmove(point : Point)
, rsetx(dx) rsetx, rsety(dy) rsety, save_cursor(key : String | Nil = nil) save_cursor, save_cursor_a save_cursor_a, set_cursor_style(style = CursorStyle::SteadyBlock) set_cursor_style, show_cursor show_cursor, v_position_relative(param = 1) v_position_relative

Instance Method Detail

def _oprint(*args) #

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def _owrite(*args) #

Directly writes string to @output (usually STDOUT).

Mostly not used directly, but through #_write.

This is plain def write. We're just not using the exact name "write".

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def _pad_write(code, prn = ->_write(Bytes), done = nil) #

Standard output method which takes terminal padding (software timing/delays) into account.

If no padding/delay instructions are found in the content, the behavior is identical to #_write.

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def _print(*args) #

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def _print(&block : IO -> Nil) #

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def _tprint(data) #

Wrap escape sequences in DCS sequences and directly print to @output.

Tmux will only forward escape sequences to the terminal if surrounded by a DCS sequence.

This method wraps the output in DCS sequences if the detected terminal emulator is tmux, and then directly prints content to @output. (Any existing buffer is first flushed.)

If the terminal emulator is not detected to be tmux, the behavior is identical to #_write.

Example: `DCS tmux; ESC Pt ST`
Real: `DCS tmux; ESC Pt ESC \`

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def _with_io(&block : IO -> Nil) #

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def _write(*args) #

Standard output method.

Takes into account internal buffering.

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def flush #

Flushes internal buffer into @output and calls @output.flush

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