module URI::Params::Serializable


The URI::Params::Serializable module automatically generates methods for x-www-form-urlencoded serialization when included.

NOTE To use this module, you must explicitly import it with require "uri/params/serializable".


require "uri/params/serializable"

struct Applicant
  include URI::Params::Serializable

  getter first_name : String
  getter last_name : String
  getter qualities : Array(String)

applicant = Applicant.from_www_form "first_name=John&last_name=Doe&qualities=kind&qualities=smart"
applicant.first_name  # => "John"
applicant.last_name   # => "Doe"
applicant.qualities   # => ["kind", "smart"]
applicant.to_www_form # => "first_name=John&last_name=Doe&qualities=kind&qualities=smart"


Including URI::Params::Serializable will create #to_www_form and self.from_www_form methods on the current class. By default, these methods serialize into a www form encoded string containing the value of every instance variable, the keys being the instance variable name. Union types are also supported, including unions with nil. If multiple types in a union parse correctly, it is undefined which one will be chosen.

To change how individual instance variables are parsed, the annotation URI::Params::Field can be placed on the instance variable. Annotating property, getter and setter macros is also allowed.

URI::Params::Field properties:

Deserialization also respects default values of variables:

require "uri/params/serializable"

struct A
  include URI::Params::Serializable

  @a : Int32
  @b : Float64 = 1.0

A.from_www_form("a=1") # => A(@a=1, @b=1.0)

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def to_www_form(*, space_to_plus : Bool = true) : String #

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