class Ameba::Rule::Lint::PercentArrays


A rule that disallows some unwanted symbols in percent array literals.

For example, this is usually written by mistake:

%i(:one, :two)
%w("one", "two")

And the expected example is:

%i(one two)
%w(one two)

YAML configuration example:

  Enabled: true
  StringArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',"'
  SymbolArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',:'

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

MSG = "Symbols `%s` may be unwanted in %s array literals"


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Ameba::Rule::Base

==(other) ==, catch(source : Source) catch, excluded?(source) excluded?, group group, hash hash, name name, special? special?, test(source : Source, node : Crystal::ASTNode, *opts)
test(source : Source)

Class methods inherited from class Ameba::Rule::Base

parsed_doc parsed_doc

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

def = nil) #

A rule that disallows some unwanted symbols in percent array literals.

For example, this is usually written by mistake:

%i(:one, :two)
%w("one", "two")

And the expected example is:

%i(one two)
%w(one two)

YAML configuration example:

  Enabled: true
  StringArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',"'
  SymbolArrayUnwantedSymbols: ',:'

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Instance Method Detail

def description : String #

def description=(description : String) #

def enabled : Bool #

def enabled=(enabled : Bool) #

def excluded : Array(String) | Nil #

def excluded=(excluded : Array(String) | Nil) #

def severity : Ameba::Severity #

def severity=(severity : Ameba::Severity) #

def string_array_unwanted_symbols : String #

def string_array_unwanted_symbols=(string_array_unwanted_symbols : String) #

def symbol_array_unwanted_symbols : String #

def symbol_array_unwanted_symbols=(symbol_array_unwanted_symbols : String) #

def test(source) #

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