abstract class Athena::Console::Style::Output


Base implementation of ACON::Style::Interface and ACON::Output::Interface that provides logic common to all styles.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Console::Output::Interface

decorated=(decorated : Bool) : Nil decorated=, decorated? : Bool decorated?, formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface formatter, formatter=(formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface) : Nil formatter=, print(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil print, puts(message : String | Enumerable(String), verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil puts, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity verbosity, verbosity=(verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity) : Nil verbosity=

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Console::Style::Interface

ask(question : String, default : _) ask, ask_hidden(question : String) ask_hidden, caution(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil caution, choice(question : String, choices : Indexable | Hash, default = nil) choice, comment(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil comment, confirm(question : String, default : Bool = true) : Bool confirm, error(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil error, info(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil info, listing(elements : Enumerable) : Nil listing, new_line(count : Int32 = 1) : Nil new_line, note(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil note, progress_advance(by step : Int32 = 1) : Nil progress_advance, progress_finish : Nil progress_finish, progress_start(max : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Nil progress_start, section(message : String) : Nil section, success(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil success, table(headers : Enumerable, rows : Enumerable) : Nil table, text(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil text, title(message : String) : Nil title, warning(messages : String | Enumerable(String)) : Nil warning

Constructor Detail

def self.new(output : ACON::Output::Interface) #

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Instance Method Detail

def create_progress_bar(max : Int32 | Nil = nil) : ACON::Helper::ProgressBar #

Creates and returns an ACON::Helper::ProgressBar, optionally with the provided max amount of steps.

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def decorated=(decorated : Bool) : Nil #

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def decorated? : Bool #

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def formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface #

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def formatter=(formatter : ACON::Formatter::Interface) : Nil #

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def new_line(count : Int32 = 1) : Nil #

Prints count empty new lines.

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def print(message, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil #

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def puts(message, verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity = :normal, output_type : ACON::Output::Type = :normal) : Nil #

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def verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity #

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def verbosity=(verbosity : ACON::Output::Verbosity) : Nil #

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