class Athena::Console::Commands::DumpCompletion


Can be used to generate the completion script to enable [argument/option value completion][Athena::Console::Input::Interface--argumentoption-value-completion].

See the related docs for more information.

Defined in:


Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Command

aliases(aliases : Enumerable(String)) : self
aliases : Array(String)
aliases(*aliases : String) : self
, aliases=(aliases : Array(String)) aliases=, application : ACON::Application application, application=(application : ACON::Application | Nil) : Nil application=, application? : ACON::Application | Nil application?, argument(name : String, mode : ACON::Input::Argument::Mode = :optional, description : String = "", default = nil, suggested_values : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil) : self
argument(name : String, mode : ACON::Input::Argument::Mode = :optional, description : String = "", default = nil, &suggested_values : ACON::Completion::Input -> Array(String)) : self
, complete(input : ACON::Completion::Input, suggestions : ACON::Completion::Suggestions) : Nil complete, definition(definition : Array(ACON::Input::Argument | ACON::Input::Option)) : self
definition(definition : ACON::Input::Definition) : self
definition : ACON::Input::Definition
definition(*definitions : ACON::Input::Argument | ACON::Input::Option) : self
, description(description : String) : self
description : String
, enabled? : Bool enabled?, help(help : String) : self
help : String
, help=(help : String) help=, helper(helper_class : T.class) : T forall T helper, helper_set : ACON::Helper::HelperSet | Nil helper_set, helper_set=(helper_set : ACON::Helper::HelperSet | Nil) helper_set=, hidden(hidden : Bool = true) : self hidden, hidden? : Bool hidden?, ignore_validation_errors : Nil ignore_validation_errors, name(name : String) : self
name : String
, name? : String | Nil name?, option(name : String, shortcut : String | Nil = nil, value_mode : ACON::Input::Option::Value = :none, description : String = "", default = nil, suggested_values : Enumerable(String) | Nil = nil) : self
option(name : String, shortcut : String | Nil = nil, value_mode : ACON::Input::Option::Value = :none, description : String = "", default = nil, &suggested_values : ACON::Completion::Input -> Array(String)) : self
, process_title(title : String) : self process_title, processed_help : String processed_help, run(input : ACON::Input::Interface, output : ACON::Output::Interface) : ACON::Command::Status run, synopsis(short : Bool = false) : String synopsis, usage(usage : String) : self usage, usages : Array(String) usages

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Command

new(name : String | Nil = nil) new

Class methods inherited from class Athena::Console::Command

default_description : String | Nil default_description, default_name : String | Nil default_name