class Clear::SQL::InsertQuery


An insert query

cf. postgres documentation

[ WITH [ RECURSIVE ] with_query [, ...] ]
INSERT INTO table_name [ AS alias ] [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]
   { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | query }
   [ ON CONFLICT [ conflict_target ] conflict_action ]
   [ RETURNING * | output_expression [ [ AS ] output_name ] [, ...] ]

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::OnConflict

clear_conflict clear_conflict, conflict? conflict?, do_conflict_action(str) do_conflict_action, do_nothing do_nothing, do_update(&) do_update, on_conflict(constraint : String | Bool | OnConflictWhereClause = true)
, on_conflict_action : String | Clear::SQL::UpdateQuery on_conflict_action, on_conflict_condition : String | OnConflictWhereClause | Bool on_conflict_condition

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Connection

connection_name : String connection_name, use_connection(connection_name : String) use_connection

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::Change

change! : self change!

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::SQL::Query::CTE

cte : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Query::CTE::Record) cte, with_cte(name, request : CTEAuthorized, recursive = false)
with_cte(tuple : NamedTuple)
, with_recursive_cte(tuple : NamedTuple) with_recursive_cte

Constructor Detail

def : Symbol | String, values) #

[View source]
def : Symbol | String) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clear_values #

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def columns(*args : Array(String | Symbol)) #

Used with values

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def execute(connection_name : String = "default") : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) #

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def fetch(connection_name : String = "default", &block : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) -> Nil) #

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def into(table : Symbol | String) #

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def keys : Array(Symbolic) #

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def returning(str : String) #

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def returning : String | Nil #

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def size : Int32 #

Number of rows of this insertion request

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def table : Symbol | String #

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def table? : Symbol | String | Nil #

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def to_sql #

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def values(row : Hash(Symbolic, Inserable)) #

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def values(rows : Array(Hash(Symbolic, Inserable))) #

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def values(row : NamedTuple) #

Fast insert system

insert({field: "value"}).into(:table)

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def values(rows : Array(NamedTuple)) #

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def values(select_query : SelectBuilder) #

Insert into ... (...) SELECT

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def values : SelectBuilder | Array(Array(Inserable)) #

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def values(*args) #

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