class LMDB::MapDatabase(K, V)

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LMDB::Database

==(other : self) ==, [](key) [], []=(key, value) []=, []?(key) []?, clear clear, cursor(&)
, delete(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) forall K
delete(key : K) forall K
, do_close do_close, each(&)
, each_key(&) each_key, environment : Environment environment, flags : Flag flags, get(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : Value forall K
get(key : K) : Value forall K
, get?(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : Value | Nil forall K
get?(key : K) : Value | Nil forall K
, put(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), value : String | Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V
put(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V
put(key : K, val : String | Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V
put(key : K, val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V
, size size, stat stat, to_unsafe : UInt32 to_unsafe

Constructor methods inherited from class LMDB::Database

new(environment : Environment, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None)
new(environment : Environment, name : String, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None)

Instance methods inherited from module LMDB::Disposable

close close, closed? closed?

Constructor Detail

def : Environment, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None) #

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def : Environment, name : String, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None) #

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Instance Method Detail

def cursor(&) #
Description copied from class LMDB::Database

Create and yields a AbstractCursor to iterate through self, closed when the block goes out of scope.

The created cursor is associated with the current transaction and self. It cannot be used after the database is closed, nor when the transaction has ended. A cursor in a Transaction can be closed before its transaction ends, and will otherwise be closed when its transaction ends. A cursor in a ReadOnlyTransaction must be closed explicitly, before or after its transaction ends. It can be reused with Cursor#renew before finally closing it.

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def cursor #
Description copied from class LMDB::Database


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def delete(key : Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) #

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def delete(key : K) #

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def each #
Description copied from module Iterable({LMDB::Value, LMDB::Value})

Must return an Iterator over the elements in this collection.

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def ensure_flags(flags) #

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def get(key : Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : V #

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def get(key : K) : V #

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def get?(key : Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : V | Nil #

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def get?(key : K) : Value | Nil forall K #
Description copied from class LMDB::Database


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def put(key : Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), value : Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) #

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def put(key : Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) #


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def put(key : K, val : Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) #


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def put(key : K, val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) #


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