class LMDB::Database


A Database is a key-value store, which is part of an Environment.

By default, each key maps to one value. However, a Database can be configured to allow duplicate keys, in which case one key will map to multiple values.

Keys are stored in a sorted order. The order can also be configured upon initialization.

Basic operations on a database are #put, #get and #delete records. One can also iterate through records using a Cursor.

All operations requires an active transaction opened in #environment. If no current transaction is found, operations will fail.


env = "databasedir"
txn = env.transaction
db = env.database "databasename"
db.put "key1", "value1"
db.put "key2", "value2"
db.get "key1" # => "value1"

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module LMDB::Disposable

close close, closed? closed?

Constructor Detail

def : Environment, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None) #

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def : Environment, name : String, transaction : AbstractTransaction, flags : Flag = Flag::None) #

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

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def [](key) #

See #get

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def []=(key, value) #

See #put

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def []?(key) #

See #get?

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def clear #

Empty out the database.

This should happen within a Transaction.

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def cursor(&) #

Create and yields a AbstractCursor to iterate through self, closed when the block goes out of scope.

The created cursor is associated with the current transaction and self. It cannot be used after the database is closed, nor when the transaction has ended. A cursor in a Transaction can be closed before its transaction ends, and will otherwise be closed when its transaction ends. A cursor in a ReadOnlyTransaction must be closed explicitly, before or after its transaction ends. It can be reused with Cursor#renew before finally closing it.

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def cursor #


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def delete(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) forall K #

Deletes the items associated with the given key from self.

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def delete(key : K) forall K #


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def do_close #
Description copied from module LMDB::Disposable

Implementors overrides this method to perform resource cleanup If an exception is raised, the resource will not be marked as closed.

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def each(&) #
Description copied from module Enumerable({LMDB::Value, LMDB::Value})

Must yield this collection's elements to the block.

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def each #
Description copied from module Iterable({LMDB::Value, LMDB::Value})

Must return an Iterator over the elements in this collection.

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def each_key(&) #

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def environment : Environment #

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def flags : Flag #

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def get(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : Value forall K #

Retrieve the value associated with the given key from the database.

If the database supports duplicate keys (DUPSORT), the first value for the key is returned. See #cursor to retrieve all items from a given key.

Raises if the key is not in the database.

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def get(key : K) : Value forall K #


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def get?(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _)) : Value | Nil forall K #

Retrieve the value associated with the given key from the database.

If the database supports duplicate keys (DUPSORT), the first value for the key is returned. See #cursor to retrieve all items from a given key.

Returns nil if the key is not in the database.

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def get?(key : K) : Value | Nil forall K #


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def put(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), value : String | Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V #

Stores the given key/value pair into self.

By default, a matching key replaces contents with given value.

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def put(key : String | Pointer(K) | Slice(K) | Array(K) | StaticArray(K, _), val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V #


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def put(key : K, val : String | Pointer(V) | Slice(V) | Array(V) | StaticArray(V, _), flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V #


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def put(key : K, val : V, flags : PutFlags = PutFlags::None) forall K, V #


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def size #

Returns the number of records in self.

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def stat #

Returns raw statistics about self.

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def to_unsafe : UInt32 #

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