class PlaceOS::Api::OAuthApplications
- PlaceOS::Api::OAuthApplications
- PlaceOS::Api::Application
- ActionController::Base
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
placeos-rest-api/controllers/oauth_applications.crConstant Summary
{} of Nil => Nil
{} of Nil => Nil
{set_request_id => {nil, nil}, authorize! => {nil, [root, mqtt_user, mqtt_access]}, set_user_id => {nil, [root, mqtt_user, mqtt_access]}, check_admin => {nil, nil}, can_read => {[index, show], nil}, can_write => {[create, update, destroy, remove, update_alt], nil}, current_app => {[show, update, update_alt, destroy], nil}, body => {[create, update, update_alt], nil}} of Nil => Nil
{} of Nil => Nil
{} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{check_admin => {nil, nil}, can_read => {[index, show], nil}, can_write => {[create, update, destroy, remove, update_alt], nil}, current_app => {[show, update, update_alt, destroy], nil}, body => {[create, update, update_alt], nil}} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{update_alt => {"put", "/:id", nil, do update end, false}} of Nil => Nil
function => options
{} of Nil => Nil
function => options
Log =
default namespace based on class
{Error::NoBody => {error_no_body, do |_error| message = "missing request body" Log.debug do message end return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) end}, JSON::SerializableError => {json_serializable_error, do |error| message = "Missing or extraneous properties in client JSON" Log.debug(exception: error) do message end if Api.production? return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) else return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, error.message, backtrace: error.backtrace?) end end}, JSON::ParseException => {json_parse_exception, do |error| message = "Failed to parse client JSON" Log.debug(exception: error) do message end if Api.production? return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) else return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, error.message, backtrace: error.backtrace?) end end}, Error::Unauthorized => {error_unauthorized, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:unauthorized) end}, Error::Forbidden => {error_forbidden, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:forbidden) end}, RethinkORM::Error::DocumentNotFound => {rethink_orm_error_document_not_found, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:not_found) end}, RethinkORM::Error::DocumentInvalid => {rethink_orm_error_document_invalid, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end return render_error(HTTP::Status::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, error.message) end}, Error::InvalidParams => {error_invalid_params, do |error| model_errors = Log.debug(exception: error) do {message: "Invalid params", model_errors: model_errors} end return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid params: #{model_errors.join(", ")}") end}} of Nil => Nil
{update_alt => {"put", "/:id", nil, do update end, false}, index => {"get", "/", nil, nil, false}, show => {"get", "/:id", nil, nil, false}, update => {"patch", "/:id", nil, nil, false}, create => {"post", "/", nil, nil, false}, destroy => {"delete", "/:id", nil, nil, false}} of Nil => Nil
{} of Nil => Nil
Class Method Summary
Routes call the functions generated above
Create draw_routes function
Helper for obtaining base route
- .context(method : String, route : String, route_params : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, headers : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, body : String | Bytes | IO | Nil = nil, &)
.create(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Create draw_routes function
.delete__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps___id(context, head_request)
Create draw_routes function
.destroy(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Create draw_routes function
.get__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps__(context, head_request)
Create draw_routes function
.get__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps___id(context, head_request)
Create draw_routes function
.index(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Create draw_routes function
.patch__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps___id(context, head_request)
Create draw_routes function
.post__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps__(context, head_request)
Create draw_routes function
.put__api_engine_v2_oauth_apps___id(context, head_request)
Generate functions for each route
.show(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Create draw_routes function
.update(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Create draw_routes function
.update_alt(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts)
Helper methods for performing redirect_to calls
Instance Method Summary
- #authority_id : String | Nil
#base_route(*args, **options)
Helper for obtaining base route
#base_route(*args, **options, &)
Helper for obtaining base route
- #create
- #current_app : Model::DoorkeeperApplication
- #destroy
- #error_forbidden(error)
- #error_invalid_params(error)
Create functions as required for errors Skip the generating methods for existing handlers
- #error_unauthorized(error)
- #index
- #json_parse_exception(error)
- #json_serializable_error(error)
- #rethink_orm_error_document_invalid(error)
- #rethink_orm_error_document_not_found(error)
- #show
- #update
- #update_alt
Macro Summary
- __inherit_after_filters__
- __inherit_around_filters__
- __inherit_before_filters__
- __inherit_force_filters__
- __inherit_rescue_filters__
- __inherit_routes_filters__
- __inherit_skip_filters__
- generate_scope_check(*scopes)
Instance methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Api::Application
body : IO
boolean_param(key : String, default : Bool = false, allow_empty : Bool = false) : Bool
paginate_results(elastic, query, route = base_route)
request_id : String
set_collection_headers(size : Int32, content_type : String)
Class methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Api::Application
context(method : String, route : String, route_params : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, headers : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, body : String | Bytes | IO | Nil = nil, &)
core_discovery : Discovery::Core
Class methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::Scopes
can_scope_access?(user_token : UserJWT, scope : String, access : Access)
can_scopes_access!(user_token : UserJWT, scopes : Enumerable(String), access : Access)
Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::CurrentUser
authorize! : Model::UserJWT
current_authority : Model::Authority | Nil
current_user : Model::User
user_token : Model::UserJWT
Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::Responders
handle_execute_error(error : Driver::Proxy::RemoteDriver::Error, respond : Bool = true)
render_error(status : HTTP::Status, message : String | Nil, **additional)
restrict_attributes(model, only : Array(String) | Nil = nil, except : Array(String) | Nil = nil, fields : Hash | Nil = nil) : Hash
save_and_respond(resource, &)save_and_respond(resource) save_and_respond, save_and_status(resource) save_and_status, with_fields(model, fields) : Hash with_fields
Class Method Detail
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Generate functions for each route
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Create draw_routes function
Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers
Helper methods for performing redirect_to calls
Instance Method Detail
Create functions as required for errors Skip the generating methods for existing handlers