class PlaceOS::Api::Drivers

Defined in:


Constant Summary

AFTER = {} of Nil => Nil
AROUND = {} of Nil => Nil
BEFORE = {set_request_id => {nil, nil}, authorize! => {nil, [root, mqtt_user, mqtt_access]}, set_user_id => {nil, [root, mqtt_user, mqtt_access]}, can_read => {[index, show], nil}, can_write => {[create, update, destroy, remove, update_alt], nil}, check_admin => {nil, [index, show]}, check_support => {[index, show], nil}, current_driver => {[show, update, update_alt, destroy, recompile], nil}, body => {[create, update, update_alt], nil}} of Nil => Nil
FORCE = {} of Nil => Nil
LOCAL_AFTER = {} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_AROUND = {} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_BEFORE = {can_read => {[index, show], nil}, can_write => {[create, update, destroy, remove, update_alt], nil}, check_admin => {nil, [index, show]}, check_support => {[index, show], nil}, current_driver => {[show, update, update_alt, destroy, recompile], nil}, body => {[create, update, update_alt], nil}} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_FORCE = {} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_RESCUE = {} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_ROUTES = {update_alt => {"put", "/:id", nil, do update end, false}, recompile => {"post", "/:id/recompile", nil, do if current_driver.commit.starts_with?("RECOMPILE") head(:already_reported) else if ( recompiled = Drivers.recompile(current_driver)) if recompiled.destroyed? head(:not_found) else render(json: recompiled) end else head(:request_timeout) end end end, false}, compiled => {"get", "/:id/compiled", nil, do if ( repository = current_driver.repository).nil? Log.error do {repository_id: current_driver.repository_id, message: "failed to load driver's repository"} end head(:internal_server_error) end compiled = self.class.driver_compiled?(current_driver, repository, request_id) do "#{compiled ? "" : "not "}compiled" end if compiled head(:ok) else if current_driver.compilation_output.nil? head(:not_found) else render(:service_unavailable, json: {compilation_output: current_driver.compilation_output}) end end end, false}} of Nil => Nil

function => options

LOCAL_SKIP = {} of Nil => Nil

function => options

Log = ::PlaceOS::Api::Log.for(self)
NAMESPACE = ["/api/engine/v2/drivers/"]

default namespace based on class

RESCUE = {Error::NoBody => {error_no_body, do |_error| message = "missing request body" Log.debug do message end return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) end}, JSON::SerializableError => {json_serializable_error, do |error| message = "Missing or extraneous properties in client JSON" Log.debug(exception: error) do message end if Api.production? return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) else return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, error.message, backtrace: error.backtrace?) end end}, JSON::ParseException => {json_parse_exception, do |error| message = "Failed to parse client JSON" Log.debug(exception: error) do message end if Api.production? return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, message) else return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, error.message, backtrace: error.backtrace?) end end}, Error::Unauthorized => {error_unauthorized, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:unauthorized) end}, Error::Forbidden => {error_forbidden, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:forbidden) end}, RethinkORM::Error::DocumentNotFound => {rethink_orm_error_document_not_found, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end head(:not_found) end}, RethinkORM::Error::DocumentInvalid => {rethink_orm_error_document_invalid, do |error| Log.debug do error.message end return render_error(HTTP::Status::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, error.message) end}, Error::InvalidParams => {error_invalid_params, do |error| model_errors = Log.debug(exception: error) do {message: "Invalid params", model_errors: model_errors} end return render_error(HTTP::Status::BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid params: #{model_errors.join(", ")}") end}} of Nil => Nil
ROUTE_RESOURCE = "drivers"
ROUTES = {update_alt => {"put", "/:id", nil, do update end, false}, recompile => {"post", "/:id/recompile", nil, do if current_driver.commit.starts_with?("RECOMPILE") head(:already_reported) else if ( recompiled = Drivers.recompile(current_driver)) if recompiled.destroyed? head(:not_found) else render(json: recompiled) end else head(:request_timeout) end end end, false}, compiled => {"get", "/:id/compiled", nil, do if ( repository = current_driver.repository).nil? Log.error do {repository_id: current_driver.repository_id, message: "failed to load driver's repository"} end head(:internal_server_error) end compiled = self.class.driver_compiled?(current_driver, repository, request_id) do "#{compiled ? "" : "not "}compiled" end if compiled head(:ok) else if current_driver.compilation_output.nil? head(:not_found) else render(:service_unavailable, json: {compilation_output: current_driver.compilation_output}) end end end, false}, index => {"get", "/", nil, nil, false}, show => {"get", "/:id", nil, nil, false}, update => {"patch", "/:id", nil, nil, false}, create => {"post", "/", nil, nil, false}, destroy => {"delete", "/:id", nil, nil, false}} of Nil => Nil
SKIP = {} of Nil => Nil

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Api::Application

body : IO body, boolean_param(key : String, default : Bool = false, allow_empty : Bool = false) : Bool boolean_param, paginate_results(elastic, query, route = base_route) paginate_results, request_id : String request_id, set_collection_headers(size : Int32, content_type : String) set_collection_headers, set_request_id set_request_id, set_user_id set_user_id

Class methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Api::Application

context(method : String, route : String, route_params : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, headers : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, body : String | Bytes | IO | Nil = nil, &) context, core_discovery : Discovery::Core core_discovery

Class methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::Scopes

can_scope_access?(user_token : UserJWT, scope : String, access : Access) can_scope_access?, can_scopes_access!(user_token : UserJWT, scopes : Enumerable(String), access : Access) can_scopes_access!

Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::CurrentUser

authorize! : Model::UserJWT authorize!, check_admin check_admin, check_oauth_scope check_oauth_scope, check_support check_support, current_authority : Model::Authority | Nil current_authority, current_user : Model::User current_user, is_admin? is_admin?, is_support? is_support?, user_token : Model::UserJWT user_token

Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Api::Utils::Responders

handle_execute_error(error : Driver::Proxy::RemoteDriver::Error, respond : Bool = true) handle_execute_error, render_error(status : HTTP::Status, message : String | Nil, **additional) render_error, restrict_attributes(model, only : Array(String) | Nil = nil, except : Array(String) | Nil = nil, fields : Hash | Nil = nil) : Hash restrict_attributes, save_and_respond(resource, &)
, save_and_status(resource) save_and_status, with_fields(model, fields) : Hash with_fields

Class Method Detail

def self.__init_routes__(router) #

Routes call the functions generated above

def self.__route_list__ #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.base_route #

Helper for obtaining base route

def self.compilation_status(driver : Model::Driver, request_id : String | Nil = "migrate to Log") : Hash(String, Bool) #

Returns the compilation status of a driver across the cluster

[View source]
def self.compiled(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.context(method : String, route : String, route_params : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, headers : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, body : String | Bytes | IO | Nil = nil, &) #

[View source]
def self.create(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.delete__api_engine_v2_drivers___id(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.destroy(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.driver_compiled?(driver : Model::Driver, repository : Model::Repository, request_id : String, key : String | Nil = nil) : Bool #

[View source]
def self.get__api_engine_v2_drivers__(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.get__api_engine_v2_drivers___id(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.get__api_engine_v2_drivers___id_compiled(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.index(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.patch__api_engine_v2_drivers___id(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.post__api_engine_v2_drivers__(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.post__api_engine_v2_drivers___id_recompile(context, head_request) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.put__api_engine_v2_drivers___id(context, head_request) #

Generate functions for each route

def self.recompile(driver : Model::Driver) #

[View source]
def self.recompile(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.update(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Create draw_routes function

Create instance of controller class init with context, params and logger protocol checks (https etc) controller instance created begin exception helpers inline the around filters inline the before filters inline the action inline the after filters rescue exception handlers

def self.update_alt(hash_parts : Hash(String | Symbol, Nil | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | String | Symbol) | Nil = nil, **tuple_parts) #

Helper methods for performing redirect_to calls

Instance Method Detail

def base_route(*args, **options) #

Helper for obtaining base route

def base_route(*args, **options, &) #

Helper for obtaining base route

def compiled #

Check if the core responsible for the driver has finished compilation

[View source]
def create #

[View source]
def current_driver : Model::Driver #

[View source]
def destroy #

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def error_forbidden(error) #

def error_invalid_params(error) #

def error_no_body(_error) #

Create functions as required for errors Skip the generating methods for existing handlers

def error_unauthorized(error) #

def index #

[View source]
def json_parse_exception(error) #

def json_serializable_error(error) #

def recompile #

[View source]
def rethink_orm_error_document_invalid(error) #

def rethink_orm_error_document_not_found(error) #

def show #

[View source]
def update #

[View source]
def update_alt #

Macro Detail

macro __inherit_after_filters__ #

macro __inherit_around_filters__ #

macro __inherit_before_filters__ #

macro __inherit_force_filters__ #

macro __inherit_rescue_filters__ #

macro __inherit_routes_filters__ #

macro __inherit_skip_filters__ #

macro generate_scope_check(*scopes) #