class PlaceOS::Edge::Client
- PlaceOS::Edge::Client
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
Defined in:
placeos-edge/client.crConstant Summary
Log =
Instance Method Summary
- #add_binary(key : String, binary : IO)
- #attempt_download(loaded_channel, key)
#connect(initial_socket : HTTP::WebSocket | Nil = nil, &)
Initialize the WebSocket API
#connect(initial_socket : HTTP::WebSocket | Nil = nil)
Initialize the WebSocket API
- #debug(module_id : String)
- #disconnect
List the driver binaries present on this client
- #fetch_binary(key : String) : IO | Nil
- #forward_debug_message(module_id, message)
- #handle_request(sequence_id : UInt64, request : Protocol::Server::Request)
- #handshake
- #host : String
- #ignore(module_id : String)
#load(module_id, driver_key)
Check for binary, request if it's not present Start the module with redis hooks
#load_binaries(binaries : Array(String))
Kicks off downloading all the binaries
#load_binary(key : String) : Channel(Nil) | Nil
Load binary, first checking if present locally then fetch from core
List the modules running on this client
#on_redis(action : Protocol::RedisAction, hash_id : String, key_name : String, status_value : String | Nil)
Proxy a redis action via Core
#on_setting(module_id : String, setting_name : String, setting_value : String)
Proxy a settings write via Core
- #queue_start(module_id : String, payload : String)
- #remove_binary(key : String)
Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Core::ProcessManager::Common
debug(module_id : String, &on_message : DebugCallback)
driver_key_for?(module_id) : String | Nil
driver_loaded?(driver_key : String) : Bool
driver_status(driver_key : String) : DriverStatus | Nil
execute(module_id : String, payload : String | IO, user_id : String | Nil)
ignore(module_id : String, &on_message : DebugCallback)ignore(module_id : String) : Array(DebugCallback) ignore, kill(driver_key : String) : Bool kill, loaded_modules : Hash(String, Array(String)) loaded_modules, module_loaded?(module_id : String) : Bool module_loaded?, path_for?(module_id) : Path | Nil path_for?, remove_driver_manager(key) remove_driver_manager, run_count : Count run_count, start(module_id : String, payload : String) start, stop(module_id : String) stop, system_status : SystemStatus system_status, unload(module_id : String) unload
Macros inherited from module PlaceOS::Core::ProcessManager::Common
module_error(module_id, exception)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Initialize the WebSocket API
Optionally accepts a block called after connection has been established.
Initialize the WebSocket API
Optionally accepts a block called after connection has been established.
Check for binary, request if it's not present Start the module with redis hooks
Load binary, first checking if present locally then fetch from core
Proxy a redis action via Core
Proxy a settings write via Core