module PlaceOS::Core::ProcessManager
Direct including types
Defined in:
placeos-core/process_manager.crClass Method Summary
.path_to_key(path : String) : String
Helper for extracting the driver key
Instance Method Summary
- #attach_debugger(module_id : String, socket : HTTP::WebSocket)
- #debug(module_id : String, &_on_message : DebugCallback)
#driver_loaded?(driver_key : String) : Bool
Check for the presence of a running driver on a ProcessManager
#driver_status(driver_key : String) : DriverStatus | Nil
Generate a system status report
#execute(module_id : String, payload : String, user_id : String | Nil)
Execute a driver method on a module
- #ignore(module_id : String, &_on_message : DebugCallback)
- #ignore(module_id : String) : Array(DebugCallback)
- #kill(driver_key : String)
- #load(module_id : String, driver_key : String)
Count of distinct modules loaded on a ProcessManager
#module_loaded?(module_id : String) : Bool
Check for the presence of a module on a ProcessManager
#on_exec(request : Request, response_callback : Request -> )
Handler for execute requests from a module
#on_setting(id : String, setting_name : String, setting_value : YAML::Any)
Handler for settings updates
#on_system_model(request : Request, response_callback : Request -> )
Handler for retrieving
s for logic modules -
#run_count : Count
Returns the count of ...
- #start(module_id : String, payload : String)
- #stop(module_id : String)
#system_status : SystemStatus
Generate a system status report
- #unload(module_id : String)
Class Method Detail
Instance Method Detail
Check for the presence of a running driver on a ProcessManager
Generate a system status report
Execute a driver method on a module
Check for the presence of a module on a ProcessManager
Handler for execute requests from a module
Handler for settings updates
Handler for retrieving PlaceOS::Model::ControlSystem
s for logic modules
Returns the count of ...
- unique drivers running
- module processes