


Press ( prefix + F ) to enter [fingers] mode, it will highlight relevant stuff in the current pane along with letter hints. By pressing those letters, the highlighted match will be copied to the clipboard. Less keystrokes == profit!

Here is a list of the stuff highlighted by default.

Checkout list of built-in patterns.

Key shortcuts

While in [fingers] mode, you can use the following shortcuts:



Using Tmux Plugin Manager

Add the following to your list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'Morantron/tmux-fingers'

Hit prefix + I to fetch and source the plugin. The first time you run it you'll be presented with a wizard to complete the installation. Depending on the platform, the wizard will offer the following installation methods:


Clone the repo:

$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fingers

Source it in your .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fingers/tmux-fingers.tmux

Reload TMUX conf by running:

$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

The first time you run it you'll be presented with a wizard to complete the installation.


NOTE for changes to take effect, you'll need to source again your .tmux.conf file.



default: F

Customize how to enter fingers mode. Always preceded by prefix: prefix + @fingers-key.

For example:

set -g @fingers-key F


default: J

Customize how to enter fingers jump mode. Always preceded by prefix: prefix + @fingers-jump-key.

In jump mode, the cursor will be placed in the position of the match after the hint is selected.


You can also add additional patterns if you want more stuff to be highlighted:

# You can define custom patterns like this
set -g @fingers-pattern-0 'git rebase --(abort|continue)'

# Increment the number and define more patterns
set -g @fingers-pattern-1 'some other pattern'

# You can use a named capture group like this (?<match>YOUR-REGEX-HERE)
# to only highlight and copy part of the match.
set -g @fingers-pattern-2 'capture (?<match>only this)'

# Watch out for backslashes! For example the regex \d{50} matches 50 digits.
set -g @fingers-pattern-3 '\d{50}'  # No need to escape if you use single quotes
set -g @fingers-pattern-4 "\\d{50}" # If you use double quotes, you'll need to escape backslashes for special characters to work
set -g @fingers-pattern-5 \\d{50} # Escaping also needed if you don't use any quotes

Patterns use PCRE pattern syntax.

If the introduced regex contains an error, an error will be shown when invoking the plugin.


default: :copy:

By default tmux-fingers will copy matches in tmux and system clipboard.

If you still want to set your own custom command you can do so like this:

set -g @fingers-main-action '<your command here>'

This command will also receive the following:

You can also use the following special values:


default: :open:

Same as @fingers-main-action but only called when match is selected by holding ctrl


Same as @fingers-main-action but only called when match is selected by holding alt


default: :paste:

Same as @fingers-main-action but only called when match is selected by holding shift


default: "fg=green,bold

With this option you can define the styles for the letter hints.

You can customize the styles using the same syntax used in .tmux.conf for styling the status bar.

More info in the STYLES section of man tmux.

Supported styles are: bright, bold, dim, underscore, italics.


default: "fg=yellow"

Custom styles for the highlighted match. See @fingers-hint-style for more details.


default: ""

Custom styles for all the text that is not matched. See @fingers-hint-style for more details.


default: "fg=blue,bold"

Format for hints in selected matches in multimode.


default: "fg=blue"

Format for selected matches in multimode.


default: "left"

Control the position where the hint is rendered. Possible values are "left" and "right".


default: "qwerty"

Hints are generated taking optimal finger movement into account. You can choose between the following:


default: 0

Show a message using tmux display-message notifying about the copied result.


default: all

A list of comma separated pattern names. Built-in patterns are the following:

| Name | Description | Example | | ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | ip | ipv4 addresses | | | uuid | uuid identifier | f1b43afb-773c-4da2-9ae5-fef1aa6945ce | | sha | sha identifier | c8b911e2c7e9a6cc57143eaa12cad57c1f0d69df | | digit | four or more digits | 1337 | | url | urls (supported protocols: http/https/git/ssh/file) | | | path | file paths | path/to/file | | hex | hexidecimal numbers | 0x00FF | | kubernetes | kubernetes identifer | deployment.apps/zookeeper | | git-status | will match file paths in the output of git status | modified: ./path/to/file | | git-status-branch | will match branch name in the output of git status | Your branch is up to date withname-of-branch | | diff | will match paths in diff output | +++ a/path/to/file |


You can set up key bindings directly to invoke tmux-fingers by using a special global option @fingers-cli exposed by the plugin.

The following options are available:

        tmux-fingers start <arguments> [options]

        pane_id     (required)

        --mode              jump or not (default: default)
        --patterns          comma separated list of pattern names
        --main-action       command to which the output will be piped
        --ctrl-action       command to which the output will be piped when holding CTRL key
        --alt-action        command to which the output will be piped when holding ALT key
        --shift-action      command to which the output will be pipedwhen holding SHIFT key
        -h, --help          prints help

Check some examples in the Recipes section below.


Start tmux-fingers without prefix

You can start tmux-fingers without having to press tmux prefix by adding bindings like this:

# tmux.conf

# Start tmux fingers by pressing Alt+F
bind -n M-f run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id}"

# Start tmux fingers in jump mode by pressing Alt+J
bind -n M-j run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --mode jump"

Using only specific patterns

You can start tmux-fingers with an specific set of built-in or custom patterns.

# match urls with prefix + u
bind u run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --patterns url"

# match hashes with prefix + h
bind h run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --patterns sha"

# match git stuff with prefix + g
bind g run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --patterns git-status,git-status-branch"

# match custom pattern with prefix + y
set -g @fingers-pattern-yolo "yolo.*"
bind y run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --patterns yolo"

Using arbitrary commands

You can use tmux-fingers with any arbitrary command.

# edit file using nvim in a new tmux window with prefix + e
bind e run -b "#{@fingers-cli} start #{pane_id} --patterns path --main-action 'xargs tmux new-window nvim'"

Acknowledgements and inspiration

This plugin is heavily inspired by tmux-copycat ( tmux-fingers predefined search are copycatted :trollface: from tmux-copycat ).

Kudos to bruno- for paving the way to tmux plugins! :clap: :clap:
